Welcome to part five of this "one of a kind" series! If you've read every part so far, thank you! If you need to catch up on this series, then I'm leaving each part's link below:
Part one: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-one
Part two: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-two
Part three: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-three
Part four: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-four
5. You don't have the same personality as anyone else.
You are one of a kind because you don't have the same personality as anyone else. Just think about it like this, someone asks you what your favorite thing to do is. You will probably have a different answer than most people when you answer that question. For example, you might say you enjoy reading, but then someone else might say their favorite hobby is playing sports.
God created us so uniquely that we all have different personalities, and favorite things to do. Some people might be bubbly and loud, or some might be quiet and less talkative.
There are so many different personalities all around us, and I really love that about how God created us. God didn't say, "Well, I'll create humans, and each one of them will be exactly the same." He didn't make duplicates, or copies. No, we are all different in our own way. Not one of us is like the other.
That's what is so beautiful about God's creation. I can walk outside and look at the birds. Every bird looks different. They can look similar, but each one of them has something different about them.
When you truly revel in the beauty of how God created each and every one of us, you understand how amazing it is. You are one of a kind because of the way God created you. He gave you a unique personality, and you have the option to choose whether your favorite hobby is reading or sports, or watching movies, and playing video games.
You can be YOU and find the true beauty of yourself just by looking at how God created you. It's so important to be thankful for who you are. You are so unique, so wonderfully created, and God put so much thinking into creating you. Never forget how amazing you are. You are so special. After all, our mighty God created you different from each and every one else. Take that with you today!
Wow! It's just so awesome that we are one of a kind, isn't it? You are one of a kind because God created you, you are unique, Jesus died for you, you have a choice, and because of your personality being so unique. Come back tomorrow for part six! (: ~Ella