If you haven't already read the other three parts of this series, you can read them!
Part one: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-one
Part two: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-two
Part three: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-three
4. You have a choice.
You are one of a kind because you have a choice. Each and every one of us has a choice. You can choose who you believe in, what you are going to do with your life, what you are going to spend your time doing each day...etc.
It's important that you use your choices wisely, though. All around me, each and every day, I see bad decisions being made. And sometimes, I'm the one making a bad decision. We aren't perfect, but we can use each one of our choices wisely.
If you have ever talked about slavery in History class, then you probably understand why this is a reason why you are one of a kind. Even though slavery is not as bad today, it's still happening around the world. There are people that can't do whatever they want. It's really sad. I wish slavery didn't exist at all.
But, we can continue to pray for those who are slaves, and that God will give them protection and strength.
Please don't forget that you are one of a kind because you have a choice. You can choose if you're going to make the right or wrong choice.
You are one of a kind because God created you, you are unique, Jesus died for you, and because you have a choice. Part five will be coming out soon! Stay tuned! ~Ella