If you haven't read part one of this series where I wrote about God creating you which is one way you are one of a kind, read it here first: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/one-of-a-kind----a-quoted-blog-series-part-one
2. You are unique.
You are one of a kind because you are unique. Just like I wrote in part one, "He put so much thought into you, and you, and you. God created each one of us to be unique."
You are one of a kind because God created you to be unique.
If you look around you, you probably won't see someone who looks or acts exactly like you. That's because you are unique.
I think it's very easy to understand why you are one of a kind because you are unique. I just wanted to point out a couple good things about being so unique. Being so different from everyone else.
- You have a different personality from everyone else. I personally love my personality. It's one of my favorite things about myself. If you ask me what my top three things to do are, I would say reading, writing and playing piano. And, I would most likely add that I love encouraging people. Your personality is important. It's important to be yourself, and not try to be others. Don't do something or say something if you know it isn't you. Stay true to yourself, and who God created you to be. Everyone else is already taken anyway, so there's isn't a point in trying to be like someone else.
- You can make your own choices. (I will write more about this in part five of this series.) God didn't place you on this Earth and say you have to do everything He says. He wants you to know that you are free to make your own decisions. But, it's important to choose the right choice.
- By being unique, you don't need to be someone else. God's plan for your life has already been put into action, and you don't have to be anyone but yourself.
That concludes part two of this series! You are one of a kind because God created you. You are one of a kind because you are unique. Part three will be coming out soon! ~Ella
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