Hey there, and welcome to The Quoted Blog!! As you may know, school is starting back, and last year I did a little back to school series, but instead of that, I wanted to give you some advice for the starting school year.
I know a lot of people are probably either worried about getting sick, or maybe just worried about random little things about the school year. I know I'm worried. But, today I'm going to give you some advice because I want to remind you that this is going to be a good school year, and no matter what it will be okay.
So, if you want to check out my series from last year, I will link every part below...
I'm going into tenth grade this year, which is kinda low-key crazy, and I'm glad I got freshman year over with. Freshman year was definitely not bad, but it was my first time at a new school, and so many memories about it weren't great. There was a lot of worrying, and stress involved last year, and I'm so thankful to be done with my first year of high school.
If you are about to be a freshman, there is nothing to be worried about! It's going to be a great year.
Be confident in yourself.
It doesn't matter what grade you are going into. Confidence is key! I know last year just the fact that some days my hair felt like a frizzy mess ruined my day. Or, just because I was wearing the wrong pants (the ones I didn't like) made my day feel like it was ruined.
Confidence is something that we all struggle with, and it's not possible to be confident in yourself every single day. I wish it was possible to be confident in yourself every day because that would make everything so much easier, but we all know it's not going to be like we want it every second. So, instead of worrying about the days when we feel like our lives are falling apart just because we forgot a hair tie, or forgot to bring our hairbrush, we can have trust. We can have trust that, yes, this day is not how we wanted it to be, but instead of feeling bad about ourselves we can find the positive side of things.
We can remember that God placed us on this Earth for a reason, and just because one day isn't good doesn't mean all of them will be the same.
So, with all that, be confident in yourself. Find a way to be confident in yourself so you can have a good day. Don't let how you look ruin your day. See the good side of things, and remember that tomorrow will be different.
2. Be kind to others.
I have witnessed too many situations where people have been unkind at school. From being mean to someone about their looks, to the fact that they got the whole class in trouble for leaving trash on the floor (which is not their fault). I don't think I can ever remind anyone too much to be kind. Yes, that might be a subject I write about, or talk about a lot, but that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many times I remind you to be kind. Someone always needs to hear the reminder to be kind. And, maybe that's you today. Maybe you talked back to your parents this morning because they made you mad, or you told someone you hated their outfit because you just wanted them to know. Either way, someone needs to read this.
And I hope the person that needs to read this takes my words to heart.
I don't write blog posts just because they're fun. I write them because I want to remind you, and encourage you. I want you to remember what I write, and take it with you every day.
So, please be kind to others. Being kind never hurts, it always helps.
3. Don't use God's name in vain, or curse.
Okay. So, I know we aren't perfect. I know we have all said things we've regretted, and that might mean we have said a bad word we've regretted. But, I really want to remind you not to curse or take God's name in vain.
I have heard so many curse words at school. Seriously. I hear more curse words at school than I do out in public. Like, I never hear curse words in public. That's a very rare thing.
I know everyone has freedom of speech, and there are Christians out there who might say a few bad words every so often. But, it doesn't excuse you from reading this.
Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful so that your words may be an encouragement to those who hear them."
Colossians 3:8 says, "But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth."
Matthew 12:36-37 says, "I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Matthew 15:10-11 says, "And he called the people to him and said to them, 'Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.'"
I could go on and on sharing Bible verses, but I'll stop here for today. If you want to read more about why you should watch what comes out of your mouth, click this link: https://www.openbible.info/topics/using_profanity
I think that's where I'm going to stop with this advice. If you take anything away from this, please watch what comes out of your mouth. Your words can hurt. They can hurt human, and they can hurt God. They might even be able to hurt you. So, be careful, and try not to say bad words, and for sure don't take God's name in vain.
I think that's where I'm going to end today's blog post. I really hope you got something out of it, and were encouraged by something. I might end up doing a part two because I feel like there is definitely some more advice I can give.
Thank you so much for reading this post! Don't forget to get excited for a big announcement that will hopefully be coming in a couple of months. I'm so grateful to everyone reading! Go spread some love today!! ~Ella