Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! So, I want to share with you every book I read in October! I read some good books and even started a new series!
1. The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking book one): by Patrick Ness- finished October 9th
2. The Girl of the Tree: by Rebecca Thompson- finished October 17th
3. The Ask and the Answer (Chaos Walking book two): by Patrick Ness- finished October 25th
4. Keeper of the Lost Cities (book one): by Shannon Messenger- finished October 31st
So, let's recap what I read this past month...Starting off with the first book in the 'Chaos Walking' series.
I watched the movie before I knew there was a book series, which is not natural for me. I don't like watching the movie or show before reading the book because most of the time the book is what comes out first so it's the first one you should see.
Anyway, the book series is completely different from the movie so far, but the first and second book were really good! Hopefully I can finish the series in November!
The next thing I read was The Girl of the Tree. If you haven't already checked out my book review and author interview, then what are you doing? Go check it out!! Click this link: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/post/why-you-should-read-this-book-the-girl-of-the-tree-book-review-an-author-interview 😂
The Girl of the Tree is an amazing book written by my good friend Rebecca!! She's working on the next book in this series now, but the first one is really good! So, go grab you a copy by clicking this link: https://www.amazon.com/Girl-Tree-Rebecca-Thompson/dp/B09GZ991XJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3M4V4ZZF8VOI9&dchild=1&keywords=the+girl+of+the+tree&qid=1635977561&qsid=131-5136506-1812226&sprefix=the+girl+of+the+tree%2Caps%2C241&sr=8-1&sres=B09GZ991XJ%2C0060090065%2C0316463353%2C014242708X%2CB07QNG9P66%2CB0977TZMHC%2C0316228869%2C0142426423%2CB0066U1SJU%2CB0084U0JCW%2C0375849912%2C1250043220%2C1101939680%2C0375822666%2CB00DB2QZPI%2C1732359407&srpt=ABIS_BOOK
And then, I started reading the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. My bestie Meredith told me about this series and she and Rebecca have both read it. It's really good so far! I hope to get the second book from the library this weekend.