Are you ready for some more book recs? Well, you've come to the right place!! Today I'm going to be sharing with you everything I read in February. February was actually a really good reading month, so I'm excited to share with you these books!
1. House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City #2): by Sarah J. Maas- finished February 5th

Well, if there's ever a sequel to make you want to jump on the bed, this is the one...
I love this series. The ending had be gasping.That's all I need to write.
2. My Jesus: by Anne Wilson- finished February 6th

Anne Wilson is a phenomenal writer. This book will make you cry, but it will also make you realize how much God can really do. Just like the cover says. "My Jesus, from heartache to hope."
If you get the chance, please read this book.
3. Shadow and Bone (#1): by Leigh Bardugo- finished February 8th

I finally started Shadow and Bone.
I've heard so much about this book, and I already knew there was a T.V. show out for it, so I finally decided to start reading it.
Some people will tell you that you don't have to read this trilogy before reading Crooked Kingdom and Six of Crows, but I am here to tell you that you should read this trilogy before reading those books.
This book was really good, and I can't wait to finish the rest of the books!
4. Legendary (Caraval #2): by Stephanie Garber- finished February 11th

Oh how I love this trilogy!! I just don't get it when some people say that it's not that great. I love these books so much!!
This is the sequel to Caraval and this book introduces you to a magical world. These books almost remind me of that one episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? with Mr. Top Hat, but in a good way.
5. A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOTAR #3.1): by Sarah J. Maas- finished February 12th

I started reading this series last year, and I will add that I don't love it as much as Crescent City, but I do love it. I have been putting off reading what is out so far though. But, I finally read this novella, and eventually this year I will read A Court of Silver Flames.
It was really nice to read about the characters just living their lives and having fun! I think this is a really good way to divide the books that are in Feyre's POV and other characters.
6. All The Bright Places: by Jennifer Niven- finished February 16th

I picked this up knowing that it was going to be sad, but not knowing it would be that sad.
This was really a good book, and I enjoyed reading it, however, that ending felt like it was going to scar me for life. And I'm slowly watching the movie, but I don't know if I'm ready to see the ending. Anyway, I recommend, but be warned: it is sad.
7. The Housemaid: by Freida McFadden- finished February 20th

I've heard so much about this book, and I kind of bought it randomly one day. I really did not think it was going to be like it was.
This was an interesting, but I do think it's worth a read. It's kind of heavy though. But I still recommend it!
8. The Missing Jewels (The Hayley Mysteries #2): by Hayley LeBlanc- finished February 21st

Hayley LeBlanc is Jules LeBlanc's sister, and if you have no idea who either of them they're both in Chicken Girls! It's a really good show on Brat TV on YouTube!!
Anyway, Hayley came out with three shorter books last year that are all mysteries. This is the second one in the series, and I honestly liked it way better than the first one. This mystery was really cute!!
9. I Have No Secrets: by Penny Joelson- finished February 24th

The last book I read in February was I Have No Secrets. This book was different from thrillers I've read before because the main character had cerebral palsey. She couldn't speak or move. I thought it was interesting to read from a characters perspective with cerebral palsey because I know nothing about it, and I learned a little about it reading this book. But, going in I had no idea that the main character had cerebral palsey.
I honestly just thought it was going to be a thriller, and while I enjoyed the book, it kind of felt like it was less of a thriller and more of a get to know the main character book. I don't know.
I enjoyed it, but I feel like it needs to be advertised as more than a thriller. The cover kind of threw me off because it looks scary and it gives you thriller vibes. I'm assuming that's supposed to be Jemma, the main character, on the cover, and I just think it makes her look scary when she's the sweetest main character.
That was everything I read this month! I could have fit in one more book, but then I kinda got pulled into a book slump, so nine books it is!
I hope I get to read more in March because I have Spring Break. There are several books I want to read in March, but first I just need to get out of this book slump.
I think my favorite book from this month has to be...I can't choose. I read so many good books this month! It's between House of Sky and Breath, My Jesus, and The Housemaid.
Either way, I really enjoyed all of the books I read this month! Stay tuned for everything I read in March! ~Ella