Good morning! For today's blog post, I want to share with you every book I read this month. I do this every single month, so if you want to know which books I recommended in the past months, you can click here:
I didn't read that many books in April because the books that I did read were rather long lol.
1. New Moon by Stephanie Meyer- finished April 4th
2. Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer- finished April 21st
So, that was all I read this month. To keep this blog post from being super short, I'm going to just write a little about the books I've been reading recently. And, I'm going to share my favorite book out of the two I read in April.
I've recently been reading the Twilight series. If you did not already know, Twilight is about a family of vampires, the Cullens, and Bella, a human, and the werewolves from La Push. "Twilight is a series of fantasy romance novels by Stephenie Meyer. It follows the life of Isabella "Bella" Swan, a human teenager who moves to Forks, Washington and finds her life turned upside-down when she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen." That is a book description from:,a%20vampire%20named%20Edward%20Cullen.
When I started reading this book series, I wasn't sure if I liked it. At first, I thought The Vampire Diaries was way better, but to be honest, I wasn't the biggest fan of the TVD books. As I continued reading the Twilight series, I actually started liking it better.
My favorite book of the whole series is actually Breaking Dawn. A lot happens in that book and it's very interesting. I have not finished the series yet, but I'm sure I will soon.
I recommend this book series if you are looking for a good, long, read. Out of both books I read this month, I think Eclipse was probably my favorite. I liked the plot of the book a lot.
That's all I have for today's blog post. Hopefully I can get the bullet journal spread out earlier than I did last month. Hope you enjoyed today's blog post! ~Ella