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  • Writer's pictureElla

you can't have my headspace

Hey there and welcome back to my blog! This has been a really fun blog series to write, and I hope you have been enjoying it!! Today I'm going to write about the song Headspace, which is the seventh song in the album.


On Genius, it says that Riley wrote this about the song, Headspace: Riley shared in an interview with “Extra,” on the song, “I had the title ‘Headspace’ in my phone because I found it at that point in my life, and still now it’s something I have to work on. I found myself giving my headspace and myself to things that weren’t healthy for me. To negativity, to anxiety, to toxic relationships… Whatever it was, I was allowing that to have way too much authority over my thoughts, over my mind. I wrote ‘Headspace’ as a means to honestly say, ‘No! None of that can have my headspace, you can’t have it.’ It was the drawing of a line in the sand from me. From a human perspective and as a singer and a writer.” She personifies these negative emotions as intruders in the mind in this song and sends an overall positive message of rejecting those thoughts.

This song is a reminder that in the middle of this world, controlling what we put in our heads is important. There are so many things that we can surround ourselves with that might not be good for us. It's always important to pay attention to what you fill your mind with because what you fill your mind with can affect the way you act towards others, or what you say to others.

I think it's good to fill your mind with things that are positive, and things that will benefit you. If you fill your mind with bad things, who are you going to become?

Our headspace is simply what we are thinking, and basically what we store in our heads. So, if you see and think about negative things, you might end up storing those things in your headspace, which isn't good for you. What you see and hear is what you might tend to think about.

For me, I try not to watch the news. When I watch the news, I feel like my mind is filled with all of these thoughts and pictures about someone else's life; about things that went wrong in someone else's life. And, if I see those things on the news, I worry about them. It's just how I am. I tend to worry about the world a lot when I hear about bad things that have happened. And, to be honest, I think we should worry about the world.

So, what does your headspace look like? Are you letting your headspace be consumed by bad things, or good things? How would you want your headspace to look? If it doesn't make you happy, then find a way to fix your headspace, and start paying more attention to things that are good. It's important. Don't let the devil have your headspace.


That was today's blog! Here's your reminder to go read last week's blog which is based on the song Fighting For Me. Go check that blog out: And, also go check out the other parts to this series:

And, if you're still here, you should listen to Headspace by watching the video below!



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