HEY there! Welcome back to my blog! Today I'm going to be continuing this blog series. As usual, you can check out the rest of the series by clicking this link: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/my-blog/categories/sour-series
Trust me, I'm happier not following you. I'm happier without your ways. I'm happier doing the right thing. Following the right choice.
I go to a pretty big high school. There are so many people there. And, I like to call myself a very observant person.
Because I'm so quiet at school, I feel like I really pay attention to the things happening around me. I know who is a bad influence, and who could possibly be a good influence. (Or, at least I feel like I can tell who is a good or bad influence.)
We all have a choice. We get to choose who we hang out with, and how we will act around them.
I feel like today's post should be about surrounding yourself with good people. Surround yourself with people that make you happy. With people that make you feel good. People that are fun to be around. People that don't gossip about you. People that aren't going to leave you in the dust, or use you.
I think it's important to know that who you surround yourself with, and spend time with, can influence the way you act.
For example, in the book One of Us is Lying by Karen M. Mcmanus, one of the main characters, Addy, is dating a kid named Jake. She thinks Jake is the perfect boyfriend, but he really isn't. He's not a good role-model or a good person. Also, relationships that are simply platonic can be either good or bad for you.
With a world full of sinful people, some being more sinful than others, you have to be careful who you hang out with.
So, as you go about your life, keep your eyes open. Find people that love to do the right thing. People that love to love others and forgive. People who are kind. I know I don't want to be friends with someone who isn't kind to me. I want a friend that is kind.
I hope that you never forget what you read today, and as you go about your every day life, you will remember what is important.
Hang out with people that actually make you happy. Don't hang out with someone who is fake. And, trust me, you will be happier not following he/she.
I really hope you got something out of today's blog post! I hope you were encouraged in some way. Come back next Thursday for the next part to this series, and have a great rest of your day! ~Ella