Hey there and welcome back to my blog! I've decided that I want to share my top 22 books of 2022. This is not my reading wrap-up; that is still coming, so I will not be telling you how many books I've read this year until my December wrap-up.
I have read more than 22 books this year, which is exciting and insane. It's definitely possible though.
So, obviously I'm writing this before the month is over in order to get it up in December. Therefore, it is possible for me to read more books in December that could make it on this list, but we're just going to focus on the books I have read at the moment. I will let you know if I read anymore in December that should be on this list.
With that being written, these books are in order of when I read them. They are not in order of best to least best. It is 100% impossible to order books from greatest to least. So, now that you know that, let's just get into it!
1. Good Girl, Bad Blood ~ by Holly Jackson
This was one of the first books I read this year. And, I rated the whole trilogy five stars, but this (the second book in A Good Girls Guide to Murder trilogy) is my favorite out of all three books.
I love the plot, I cried at the end. This will forever be my favorite out of all three, and I love it.
And, if you didn't know, this is part of a murder mystery trilogy. A Good Girls Guide to Murder is also being made into a movie/tv show and I'm so freaking excited for it.
I highly HIGHLY recommend this trilogy!
2. Loves Does ~ Bob Goff
Bob Goff is a phenomenal writer. He is a legend. I love his story telling in his books, and he's done so much in his life that it just inspires me. If you haven't yet read this book, you won't understand until you read it.
One day I'm going to call him and tell him how much I love his books. Like, please read this. PLEASE.
3. The Inheritance Games ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Okay, I have Destiny Sidwell (one of my favorite booktubers) to thank for this book! It's a trilogy, but I honestly think that this book is the best. I'm probably going to end up re-reading it next year because it's been awhile.
But, I just love the characters. I'm forever going to be team Jameson. I love this book. End of story.
4. Better Than The Movies ~ Lynn Painter
I read this book because of Haley Pham (yet another booktuber) and I'm so glad I did. I'm obsessed with the cover, and I love the story! This is probably another book I need to re-read.
I have yet to read another book by Lynn Painter, but 2023 I'm coming for you Do-Over! Haha, if you need a good young adult clean romance, go read this one!
5. Splinters of Scarlet ~ Emily Bain Murphy
This was the first blind date with a book that I ever got, and I rated it 5 stars. Did blind dates with a book go down from there? Yes. But, I keep buying them in hopes that I find another book like this one.
The author of this book is a Christian, and the story reminds me of something that happened in the Bible. Go follow me on Goodreads...https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/105221730?ref=nav_profile_l (it says I'm 18 on there because I'm a rebel and entered a giveaway for people 18 and up lol; it was for The Dead Romantics)
This is what I wrote about this book over there: This book was so good!!! I got it from a blind date with a book package, so I had no idea what I was getting, and at first, after reading the synopsis, I didn’t think it sounded that exciting….but little did I know lol.
This book was amazing!! I loved all the characters and there was such a good storyline. The theme reminded me of when Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected. I highly recommend this book if you want a sweet read with a little mystery, a little romance, and characters that stand up for what’s right!!
6. Who Are You Following? ~Sadie Robertson Huff
Every single book Sadie writes deserves five stars, so obviously this one wasn't any different. I definitely didn't relate to it very much I feel like, but I still loved it!
I don't think there's anything else to write about it except that it's really good. LIVE will always be the best book by Sadie though. All the way.
7. Girls With Sharp Sticks ~ Suzanne Young
I for sure recommend that you browse the bookstore and pick up books because of their covers. But, also pick up books because you think they look good.
I found this book in 2nd and Charles completely randomly. Little did I know I would love it so much that I would rate the full trilogy five stars....
This is my second favorite book cover from a book that I've read all year. The winner of first place when it comes to book covers was definitely Wilder Girls. However, Girls With Sharp Sticks is better than Wilder Girls.
Yes it's about women taking charge, but honestly I didn't think about that as much as I just fell in love with the characters. The characters are everything in this book. I love it. I read it in one day, and then I flew through the other two books. Ahhh....next year I'm reading more books by Suzanne Young!
8. Lock The Doors ~ Vincent Ralph
This is a heavy book in a twisted way. At the beginning, you almost have no idea what is going on, but then you catch on, and it's so messed up that you just want to jump into the book and fix things.
It has a good ending, from what I can remember. But it is very hard to read without making you want to jump in the book. What a thriller.
I rated this five stars. I could not put it down. I highly recommend it. You will not regret reading this book, but beware because it will have the same effect on you as These Deadly Secrets by Diana Urban, which I'll write about in a second.
There are a select few books in this world that make you want to scream and shout because everything is going wrong. This is one of them. Yeah, go read it! (and know that I exaggerated a bit on this description of the book...)
9. The Cheat Sheet ~ Sarah Adams
You know what? Clean romance books are the best romance books. I don't understand people who like to read spicy books. I just want to read about dating, nada más.
This is such a good clean romance book! I love the characters, and the chemistry between the two main characters. There's just something sweet about friends to lovers that you only understand when you read friends to lovers.
Therefore, this book is really cute. I love Sarah Adams writing! And, I never read sports romances because I kinda low-key don't like football and don't understand it period. BUT, I love this book!
10. The Naturals ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Ahhh, this series is so good! It's young adult, and it's like a crime series, but cooler. I just love all of the characters, and the storylines...the mystery of this book is so good!
11. These Deadly Games ~ Diana Urban
OH. MY. GOSH. This book. This book had me screaming and crying. Like, if you ever just feel like being mad but in love at the same time, this is the book for you.
Diana Urban took me through a wild ride with this book. The main character was having such a hard time, and all I wanted was for things to go right. And, the way this book ended...Diana Urban needs to write another one so I can have some clarity.
I promise this book is worth it, but it is kinda crazy.
12. Tweet Cute ~ Emma Lord
Just read the title again....it's the definition of this book. It's just so cute. And it's clean! That's a plus...well rather clean.
I love how unique the storyline is as well!
13. A Court of Mist and Fury ~ Sarah J. Maas
Some people will say that this series isn't very good. Someone actually said that in the same room as me. BUT, if you ever find a book that is almost 800 pages, no matter how slow it is, it will be good. Because why would an author write an 800 page book if it's not good? That just shows that the author spent a lot of time to make that book good and long. (haha, shameless plug: go buy my book -it's 800+ pages- https://www.amazon.com/Quoted-Guide-Girls-Ella-Catherine/dp/1638740585)
Anyway, this is the second book in A Court of Thorns and Roses series. This series so far has been phenomenal. I don't love everything about this series, but I do love this series. The fact that I was even able to sit down long enough to finish these fat books just shows how good they are.
The plot, the characters...it's soo good. I think the second book was definitely my favorite though! Don't ask me why. I don't know, it just is. And, if you've read the series, Lucien is my favorite character.
14. The Upside of Falling ~ Alex Light
Ahhhhhh....this book! So, I read this book on my tablet, which is very rare for me, but free books are always important. And....I loved it! It was so good, and it was a clean romance so that's a plus. There's just something about fake dating that is so funny. If you need a cute fake dating book, pick this one. But, The Cheat Sheet also has fake dating as well, and that's a really good book.
15. Unravel Me ~ Tahereh Mafi
Unravel Me is book two of the Shatter Me series. I have not yet finished the series, but I'm 100% Team Warner. Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope.
So far the series is really good! It's kinda a mix of fantasy and dystopian, but obviously it does have a side plot of romance.
16. The Kiss of Deception ~ Mary E. Pearson
This is the first book in The Remnant Chronicles trilogy. I've finished the whole trilogy, and I have to say that I think book one is just iconic. I don't know which book is my top favorite, but I just love this one.
17. None Shall Sleep ~ Ellie Marney
So, I had this book on my tbr list, then I randomly found it at Thrifty Peanut, so I decided, why not just get it now?
Now, this book is just unique. I feel like it's different from what I normally read, and I love it. SO. MUCH. I rated it five stars, and I can not wait for the second book. It's so exciting!
I highly recommend this book, but I'm not going to tell you the reason why I love it so much.
18. The Silent Patient ~ Alex Michaelides
I had a little phase earlier this year where I just read one adult book after another. I'm not really sure how that happened, and I still prefer young adult (obviously), but it's fun to switch it up sometimes.
I heard so so much about this book, and I was actually not planning on reading it until Nicole Laeno chose it for her book club. (Sadly Nicole's book club has come to an end.)
Anyway, I read this book because of her book club with Literati, and wow.
The reason I gave this book five stars was because of the ending. There were a lot of things I didn't agree with about this book, and most of the time I just get past those and try to ignore them. Because I can't judge a book by that. It's not really fair, so I try to look past the things I don't agree with in books and look at everything as a whole.
Yeah, the reason I gave this five stars was because I was literally gasping in shock when I finished it. I recommend this book because of the ending.
19. Stellarlune ~ Shannon Messenger
The long awaited book to the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. This is book nine from KOTLC. This book series has my only ever favorite book boyfriend. And yes the first 400 pages kinda bored me, but the last few hundred pages did this book justice, therefore I'm not upset.
Also, my favorite author hasn't even read this series. When I went to meet Neal Shusterman, he literally had a pencil bag from this book series, but he told me he hadn't read it. SO, you better get ahead of Neal and binge this series. You won't regret it.
20. Lightlark ~ Alex Aster
This was such a good fantasy book! Plus, this is the second thing that has completely had me fooled. Wednesday completely fooled me, and now Lightlark is over here fooling me. It's not okay haha.
But, as the first book I have ever read by Alex Aster, I'm obsessed! I think I rated this five stars. I love the storyline, and I just enjoyed this overall! And they're making it into a movie, so that's a PLUS. Also, this is the first book in a series that has not been finished yet. So, I'm going to be waiting for the second book in anticipation.
21. If He Had Been With Me ~ Laura Nowlin
My heart is broken after reading this book. It will probably be broken for awhile. I don't want to stop thinking about this book and these characters.
Apparently the first chapter tells you what will happen at the end, but of course I didn't realize that, so that whole thing completely went over my head. Which is good because I would be even more broken if I had known what would happen at the end ahead of time.
If you want to cry, read this book.
22. Everybody Always ~ Bob Goff
I admire Bob Goff and everything he does for the Lord. That's why it's only fitting to end off this blog with this book.
This book does have a heavy topic close to the end, but it's something that I think everyone needs to be aware of. It's so disturbing, but it's really happening in this world which is really sad.
I just love this book.
That is going to conclude my list of the best 22 books I read in 2022. All of these books are 100% worth reading. I really hope you enjoyed reading this! Stay tuned because I have some fun blog posts coming out before the end of the year. I will still be sharing every book I read in December with you. Hopefully I can meet my reading goal!
Also, I have a secret project that I hope to share with you! It might already be shared once this post goes up, but I don't know yet. I'm just very excited for it and I hope you'll stay tuned!! ~Ella