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sometimes, you just feel jealousy, jealousy

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! We are getting close to the end of this blog series! After today's post, there will only be two more of this series. So, if you need to catch up on past parts, click this link:

I know you've felt jealousy before. I think we all have. But, one thing I know is that it's not good to be jealous. When someone is jealous, it's mainly because they want something that they do not have. Or, they wish they could do something that someone else is doing.
When you're jealous, you're not focusing on things that God has planned for you, but wanting to do other things that others are doing. Sometimes, we just have to cancel jealousy and learn to be ourselves and do what we need to do, and not always want what others have or want to do what others do.
I don't feel like I'm jealous very often, but times that I've felt like I've been jealous are when I see my old friends from my old school doing something together. Because I moved from one school to another in middle school, I met new friends and lost some. I hate to admit this, but I do sometimes feel like I'm missing out on hanging out with friends I've known for a long time.
Here are some Bible verses about jealousy:

-For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. (James 3:16)
-But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. (James 3:14-15)

Jealousy can lead humans to do awful things. For example, jealousy can lead to hate. Maybe one day you see your best friend hanging out with the boy you like and you get jealous. Your feelings towards that situation could make you start being hateful towards your best friend.
Jealousy can lead to hate. That's why we need to learn to control our tempers and not become full of envy for what someone else has.
There's a reason why you aren't hanging out with those people. There's a reason why you don't talk to that person anymore. There's a reason for everything. But, there's not a reason to be jealous if you take hold of your feelings and lay them in God's hands. Tell God why you're jealous, and why you don't want to feel that way.
Don't let jealousy lead you to feeling like you need to compare yourself to others. Don't let jealousy lead you anywhere. (And go listen to jealousy, jealousy)
Fun fact: When I ranked the SOUR songs, I put jealousy, jealousy at the bottom of my list. But, in my opinion, this song has the best lyrics and meaning in the whole album. It's about something that people might struggle with, and about how we shouldn't ever think of ourselves as not being cool or smart, or less than others.


And that's today's post! Hope you learned something or were encouraged! ~Ella


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