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q and a // a.k.a. get to know me!

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Happy Thursday! Also, happy new podcast episode day! If you haven't already, go check out The Quoted Podcast:

For today's blog post, I thought I would do a question and answer session. I just turned fifteen on Tuesday, you may already know, and I thought it would be interesting to answer some questions, and come back next year to see my answers. (By the way, Saturday's blog post will be a faith-based one.)

So, let's get started!


Starting off easy, I'm going to answer some simple questions. Like, get to know me questions.

1. What is your number one hobby? definitely reading

2. What is your favorite color? yellow all the way

3. What is your favorite animal? if I had to choose, guinea pigs

4. What is your favorite song? Goodbye by Annie Rose

5. How many siblings do you have? two

6. How many pets do you have? four

7. When is your birthday? March 9th

8. What is your biggest life accomplishment? writing a book

Okay, now we are going to get a little harder...I'm going to answer some would you rather questions.

1. Would you rather be able to detect any lie you hear, or get away with any lie you tell?

detect any lie I hear

2. Would you rather have too many friends, or too few? too few

3. Would you rather find true love or be rich? find true love lol

4. Would you rather create history, or delete it? create history I guess

5. Would you rather become a creative or technical person? creative ofc

6. Would you rather be able to speak whale, or read babies' minds? read babies' minds

Next, I'm going to end off by answering some deeper questions.

Do I like who I am right now? YES

When was the last time I laughed so hard? probably when I was having dinner with my family

What would I truly regret not doing if I died tonight? not publishing my book

What is one lesson you learned the hard way? ha, don't like the same person for a year when they don't like you back?

What would I do if my biggest fear came true? text my best friend about it, and write about it in my journal

What would I do with my remaining days if I had a year left to live? write a lot of books, meet Annie Rose, learn a lot of songs on the piano, talk to ...him..., read a lot, finished watching Soy Luna (there's too much!)

What are the three things I am most grateful for? God, reading, writing etc..

Have I done something recently I could be proud of? yup

What question do I want to know the answer to if it will help humanity? cure for cancer

Must I take other people's advice? if it is good

What annoys me the most? having so many questions about this one person

Would I lay down my life for somebody? Jesus

How much money would I be willing to give to those in need if I won the lottery? 80%

Am I worthy of being loved? yes, and so are you

Would I enjoy watching a movie made of my life? ummm....probably not because that would be strange

Do I have a personal mission? Yes ma'am

Who do I look up to? Emma Mae Jenkins, Annie Rose..etc.


I didn't mean to answer so many deep questions lol! But, thank you for reading this blog post. Thanks so much for listening to my podcast as well! Come back this Saturday for a new blog post, and I hope you got to learn a little more about me...~Ella


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