So, I have a bullet journal! It's yellow of course because that's my favorite color. I thought I would share my spread for this month. I make a new one every month, and I usually just have a page with the month name, and a mood tracker. I had a lot of fun taking the pictures for the spread, and I really hope you like it! My theme for this month was flowers because I saw one that I based the title page off of on Pinterest. I'm not much of an artist, but I tried to make this spread cute. Enjoy these pictures! ~Ella

On the first page, you can see I have September, and then my mood tracker beside it!

I like to do daily tasks, which are just questions for every day of the month which I write the answers to in a marble journal my friend Alexa gave me for my birthday this year.

The next page is just the rest of my daily tasks, then the habit tracker. You can see the habit tracker better in the last picture.

For my habit tracker this month, I put vitamins, working on my book I'm writing, screen time, and to read at least an hour or more everyday.
That was my bullet journal spread for this month! If you want to see my other one's from previous months, you can comment below if you want. I don't know if I'll do this every month because my spreads are usually pretty similar. Thanks for checking this out! ~Ella