Hey everyone! Welcome to The Quoted Blog! Today, I'm going to share with you my bullet journal spread for the month. I didn't share my spread last month because it wasn't my favorite, and I guess I didn't really feel like taking cute pictures of the spread. But, I love my spread for this month, and I can't wait to share it with you!
I'm also going to be doing side by side comparisons of the spreads I used as my inspiration on Pinterest. I want to show you what my version plus the real version looks like.
So, on the left we have my version, and on the right is the original. I found this on Pinterest and thought it would be really cute for my title page for July. As you can tell, it's icecream themed, and I think it is so cute! Here's a link to the pin: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847169379910462451/
Once again, the left is my spread, and the right is the one I found on Pinterest. Now, I know my ice cream is a little weird looking, haha, but I still think this page is really cute. Also, I have a quote page of course! If you can't read the quote, it says, "Living one day a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace." Here's a link to the mood tracker pin on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847169379910468412/
For the last pages of my spread, I wrote a quote on one side, and did a habit tracker on the other. The left picture is my spread, and the right is the one I used to draw my habit tracker. The quote on my page says, "Here's what I've learned through it all, don't give up; don't be impatient; be entwined with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting- for He will never disappoint you!" -Psalm 27:14
Also, on my habit tracker, I wrote READING, VITAMINS, SOY LUNA, WRITING, PIANO, and BIBLE. You can find the habit tracker pin from Pinterest with this link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847169379910470759/
I really love my bullet journal spread for July! I think it is really cute, and it took me like three or four hours to make, so I would have hoped I would like it...lol.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I know I did!! Can not wait to use this bullet journal spread this month!!!
That's all for today's blog post. Have a great rest of the day! ~Ella