Welcome back (or to) The Quoted Blog! Today, I'm doing part four of all my favorite YouTuber's. I will link all of the other parts to this series so you can check them out if you want to know my other favorite YouTuber's.
Check out the other parts by clicking this link: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/my-blog/categories/recommendedmoviesshowsbooks
1. Bitesize Piano- All of the other YouTuber's I have recommended have been lifestyle YouTuber's. So, I thought I would switch it up a bit and share with you some other types of people I watch on YouTube.
You probably know that I post piano covers every Tuesday, and one of the channels I learned most of my recent covers from, was Bitesize Piano! I love this YouTube channel so much, and I feel like I can learn a lot of songs just by watching YouTube videos.
I've learned how to play several songs from the SOUR album, and more. I highly recommend you check out this channel when you want to learn some songs on the piano!

Picture found from Google; https://www.facebook.com/BitesizePianoLessons/
2. Dylan Laine- Next we have Dylan Laine's channel. She is another YouTuber who does a lot of piano tutorials, and I think she even does either ukulele or guitar tutorials as well. She does tutorials of Christian/worship songs, and that's how I learn how to play songs like The Blessing, and Reckless Love. I think of her channel as an easier piano tutorial channel. Each of her tutorials for piano are mostly just showing you different chords to use for the songs. (Bitesize Piano has harder tutorials for me, and Dylan Laine has easier ones.) I love learning tutorials from her channel, and definitely plan on learning a new song soon from her channel! (By the way, both Bitesize Piano, and Dylan Laine have Patreon pages, or pages where they teach piano lessons I think. At the end of this blog post, you should check out their YouTube channels and learn more about that if you want too!)

Picture found from Pinterest; patreon.com
3. BratTV- When I was in like, fourth grade, I always heard girls in my class talk about how excited they were to watch the new episode of Chicken Girls on Tuesday's. At the time, I had no idea what they were talking about, and thought that "Chicken Girls" was an adult show, with adults ofc. I also thought that was a weird name for a show.
Then, one day, I came across this YouTube channel called "Brat." And, then I found the show Chicken Girls. To this day, I love the show Chicken Girls. I also love Stage Fright (and want a new season), Crown Lake (still waiting for a new season as well...), and other shows.
Basically, on BratTV, they post t.v. shows that they have made. I don't really know who is like, the owner, of BratTV, but I really like their channel.

Picture found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brat_TV
4. Little Adventures- This YouTube channel is a guinea pig channel. I love guinea pigs so much! I have two guinea pigs, which I have a blog post of my pets which pictures of them, and I love them so much! So, of course I love watching videos of guinea pigs living their best lives! On Little Adventures, there's a herd of guinea pigs. The current gp herd consists of Lulu, Nugget, Lumi, and Gatsby. Love them! Ever since I've been watching this channel, a couple of guinea pigs have, sadly, died, and I'm always very sad when that happens.

Picture found on Google; https://www.facebook.com/littleadventures4/ ; edited with Jamboard
5. Ireland Boys- The Ireland Boys also have a channel called Ireland Boys Productions. I watch both channels, but I never pay attention to what channel I'm watching videos from. So, go check out both channels! They do a lot of very daring things, and I enjoy their channel. It's exciting to watch lol! Also, at times can be scary. Check it out!

Picture found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgDfpB3rBRPozm3zzaRXTQ
6. airrack- I found airrack's channel recently when I was scrolling through my home page of YouTube. His channel reminds me of the Ireland Boys channel. He does a lot of exciting videos. You should just check out his channel and you would see what I mean.

Picture found https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyps-v4WNjWDnYRKmZ4BUGw
7. Hannah Feder- Okay, so Hannah actually has a brother, who also has a YouTube channel that I watch, so yeah. His channel is Jacob Feder. Both Hannah and Jacob rescue animals. I love their channels a lot!

Picture found https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoH9no48lY8Udp8IAbPd1EA
8. emmaxolouise- I haven't been watching Emma's channel for very long, but she's another lifestyle YouTuber. I think she lives in the U.K., and I love her accent. I also think she is very pretty, has good videos, lol and should definitely have more subscribers. She has 121K subs currently.

9. Grace's Room- Grace lives in Australia, so she also has a really cool accent. I first found her YouTube channel called "Grace's World" where she does Barbie videos. Then, as I grew older, I stopped watching the Barbie videos and found her other channel.

Picture found https://www.youtube.com/c/GracesRoom?app=desktop
So, that is going to conclude part four of my favorite YouTuber's. I will for sure be posting one more part to this little series, as I have six more people on my list. I really hope you like these kinds of blog posts, and check out some of these channels.
Now for links to every person's channel:
-Bitesize Piano: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uFgGbE2fb1GWal9SOmOhQ
-Dylan Laine: https://www.youtube.com/user/dylanlainemusic
-Little Adventures: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDd21vf-O4Ay6A3X7WPPvEw
-Ireland Boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHdHipEBnw_3m9m8ljUgpyA / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgDfpB3rBRPozm3zzaRXTQ
-Hannah Feder: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoH9no48lY8Udp8IAbPd1EA
-emmaxolouise: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGsYQnsvuTpWt8_mq-woDRw
-Grace's Room: https://www.youtube.com/c/GracesRoom?app=desktop
Once again, go check out all of those channels! Thanks for reading! ~Ella