Finally, I have my 2021 bullet journal spread for this month. It took me a while to have a minute to do it, but now it's finally done. The theme of the month was books!

First, we have my intro page, and a quote after it. I wonder if anyone can guess what show the quote is from?? (I meant to color those books in under the quote, but I never did.)

Of course, we have my mood tracker which I do every month. I tried to copy this picture from Pinterest, and I got lazy with adding the books to the shelves. So, that's why there is an empty shelf.
Oh! We can't forget the quote on the right! Nancy Drew, of course! I love Nancy Drew, but the new books aren't as good as the old ones.

And, I will be filling up the left page with Bible verses over the month.
Thank you all for reading! ~Ella