Happy Thursday! I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're ready to read about faith today! So, like I do every week, I'm going to link the past blog posts in this Godsend series. Go check them out, and then come back to this one (or vice versa): https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/my-blog/categories/godsend-a-series
Okay, let's get into today's blog post!!
A Little Faith is the fourth song on the Godsend album. I really like this song because of it's meaning.
This world makes faith seem so hard to achieve. What with people calling themselves Atheists and such, people really get confused when it comes to having faith. They don't understand that you don't have to see something to have faith in it. At least, I think people think they have to see something to have faith in it.
Really, it's not always easy to have faith, but it's also not hard.
God calls us to, "walk by faith, and not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). Having faith does not mean seeing everything you need to see to believe. It's trusting that God is real. It's trusting that your friend is going to be there for you. It's trust in the midst of doubt.
Some lyrics in the song say, "God won't let you break when you're so close to breaking through...Don't give up 'cause He's not giving up on you...Wait and see what a little faith can do..."
God promises us that we will never leave us or forsake us; that He'll always be with us. I feel like sometimes people say they don't believe in God anymore because they think He has left them behind. They don't see Him doing anything in their life, so they no longer believe in Him anymore.
But, God is always there no matter what anyone thinks. It's really sad that people think He isn't always there. If that's you today, please read this again: God will never leave you or forsake you. He will always be by your side. Don't give up on Him because He will never give up on you.
It's not always easy to see how God is working in our lives because when we are in the middle of doubt and pain and hurting, we immediately feel like we are alone. We feel like nothing is going to get better, and that no one is with us. With fear comes loneliness, we think. With pain comes hardship, and more hardship, and even more loneliness, we think.
Guess what? That's what the enemy wants us to believe. He wants us to think that fear comes with loneliness. That pain comes with hardship and even more loneliness. He wants to convince us that there is no hope. But, God reminds us that with fear comes hope. With pain comes hope, and good. Just like Romans 8:28 says, "all things work together for the good of those who love Him."
God never leaves us. We are never alone. It's possible to have faith. It's possible to have hope. It's possible to find the good in all the hurt and pain. Nothing is impossible with God. Take that with you today! (; ~Ella
video from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i3VgYYRfTE cover image made with canva.com