Ummm...all I've gotta say is that this chapter gets super exciting. And it's probably the second to last chapter.
Here we go....
Chap. ten
Amylee knocked on the dark blue door, letting out the breath she had been holding and stepping back.
She didn’t know why she had felt the need to leave Nebraska and return to Iowa, but she had. She’d hopped on a plane and left her safe space to step back into danger.
She hadn’t even been standing there for more than two minutes when the door flung open.
“What do you want?” he asked. He looked at her with his dark brown eyes. “Amylee…” he said, trailing off as he recognized her. “What are you doing here? I thought you moved. For good.”
Amylee felt like she was mesmerized as she stared at her ex-boyfriend. She remembered him like they were together yesterday. But, she didn’t want to remember.
“Can we talk? I’m only going to be here today, and I need to talk to you.”
“Sure,” Scott said, rubbing a hand down his face as he stepped back to let her in.
Amylee felt her hands start to shake as she stepped into his all too familiar home. She hid them behind her back, closing the door behind her.
“Take a seat,” he said, gesturing to the couch covered in empty cans and take-out bags.
Amylee sat down in the middle of it all as Scott took a seat in a chair across the room from her.
They were sitting in a small living room. The walls were painted a dark red, and there were barely any decorations hanging on the walls.
“What do you want to talk about? It’s been a long time. I thought everything was already buried in the past.”
Amylee sighed. “Well,” she started to say. But she stopped talking just to stand up and look out the back door to the backyard.
“Are you trying to waste my time or do you actually have a reason for being here?” Scott asked, sounding impatient.
Amylee looked at Scott, raising one hand up to push her hair behind her ear, and the other to unlock the door behind her. She watched Scott shift his focus to her hand pushing hair behind her ear. Then she sat back down.
“Do you still have those CD’s?” she asked.
Scott looked at her suspiciously, then replied with, “Yep.”
“Can I see them?”
He stood up. “No, but you can leave.”
Amylee stood up. “Scott, please. I just want to see your old CD’s. I just want to remember them. Remember all the times we listened to them.”
Amylee felt bad for making him think she suddenly liked him again, but she didn’t know what else to do. She had to get him to leave the living room.
Scott looked mad for a second, then he relented. “Fine, but then you’re explaining why you’re here.”
“I will. I promise,” she said, following him to his room.
Meanwhile, Astrid was on the phone with the police. They had called her back about the license plate, and even though she already knew what they were going to say, she politely listened anyway.
After she heard the news, she asked to talk to the sheriff.
It took several minutes for her to get over to him, but finally the officer who had been talking to her told her she could come up to the station if she wanted to talk to the sheriff.
“Be quiet. We don’t want anyone to hear us,” Frank whispered as he pushed open the back door to Scott’s house.
Jaydin gave Frank a look, but followed him inside without a word.
When they made it inside, Frank pushed the door closed quietly, and both boys started searching. They were looking for any evidence that would lead Scott to being the killer of Matteo.
Of course, they knew they probably wouldn’t find anything, but after going over the plan, they had no other choice.
If they didn’t find any evidence in Scott’s house, they would have to get him to confess.
“Amylee, you can stop lying to me,” Scott said, taking the CD case from her hand.
She looked up at him, a little bit scared.
How did he know?
“You’re not here for these stupid CD’s. And you’re certainly not here to declare that you’re suddenly in love with me again. So, the question is, what are you really here for?”
Amylee backed up against the door. She was terrible at lying. In fact, she was surprised she had gotten that far lying.
“I know who killed Matteo, and it wasn’t my brother,” Astrid said, folding her hands in her lap.
Sheriff Manning looked Astrid right in the eye. “Is that so?”
“Yes sir.” She nodded.
“There’s got to be something here somewhere…” Frank said, searching every inch of the kitchen. Jaydin was looking in the living room, and he was having no luck either.
“Didn’t Astrid say something about a blue and white jersey?” Jaydin wondered, thinking back to before they had come up with their plan.
Frank nodded. “Yeah, and a black crow. We never figured out what that was supposed to mean. It’s what Amylee said on the phone to Astrid. I completely forgot, and I guess Astrid did too.”
Jaydin started to say something, but his voice was drowned out by a scream from another room.
Frank looked at Jaydin, a scared look on his face.
“You keep looking! I’ve got this!” Jaydin said, running towards the scream. “Amylee!” he yelled as he ran.
“Scott, I promise I just wanted to talk to you,” Amylee pleaded.
He hadn’t hurt her, but she’d screamed because she was afraid of him. She knew that Frank and Jaydin were there, and she wanted them to help stall him. She couldn’t do it anymore. Not on her own.
She hated being in the same room as a murderer she used to be in love with.
“Amylee?” Jaydin asked, stepping into Scott’s bedroom.
Immediately, Scott and Amylee whipped their heads in the direction of his voice.
“Why’d you scream? Did he hurt you?”
“No…” Amylee looked from Scott to Jaydin.
“Why’s he here?!” Scott demanded, looking at Amylee for an explanation.
“I can explain. It’s because-” Amylee was cut off as Scott pulled out a knife. She had no idea where it had come from. She had no idea how long he’d had it.
“I told her to tell you to leave,” Scott yelled. “YOU SHOULD BE GONE! I warned you.”
Jaydin pulled Amylee over to him. “Scott, just hear her out. Hear us out.”
Scott ignored Jaydin. Instead, he started walking towards Jaydin.
“Stop Scott!” Amylee cried, just as all three of them heard sirens in the distance.
I hope you liked that chapter! Thank you for sticking around and reading this series! I hope you're liking it. The next chapter will probably be out two days from now. ~Ella