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In My Head (part one)

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Hey there and welcome back to The Quoted Blog! I thought it was time to start a new blog series, so here we are...

I've been really loving Maisie Peter's music lately, and I really wanted to use some of the title's of songs in an EP and write blog posts based on them. I've done this twice before. I did a whole blog series based on the Godsend album by Riley Clemmons, and then I did a whole blog post series based off of Olivia Rodrigo's album SOUR. So, I've done this before, and I know how I want this to look.

I really hope you enjoy this new blog post series!

I'm doing this series based off of Maisie Peter's EP called Dressed Too Nice for a Jacket. It's such a good EP, and there are six songs so that is a good amount for a blog series.

I think I should stop introducing the series, and just go ahead and share it with you! So...enjoy reading!


I know we all struggle with getting stuck in our heads. We daydream and we wish for things. We store ideas in our brain and we try to make them come true. But, sometimes we also get ideas from our heads that aren't good for us.

Psychologists call it 'negativity bias.' They say that humans have brains that are wired to scout for the bad stuff. So, apparently we fixate to much on negative thoughts, and we let those negative thoughts rule over our thinking, which then rules over our on and so forth.

The phrase, 'Be Positive,' is being constantly repeated. There are quotes like this one that says, "She believed she could so she did." There are short phrases plastered on to store logos. For example, Nike is known for the words, 'just do it,' and Burger King is known for the words, 'have it your way.'

Everywhere there are reminders to stay positive! To be kind! To do what's right! But yet, how much positivity, kindness, and right is there really in this world?

Now, you may be wondering, "Where are you going with this?" So, I think it's time to get to the point.

What we store in our brains can either make us or break us. If we're constantly in our heads about why that person looks amazing, or why that person seems to have it all together, or blah blah blah...we're just bringing ourself down the wrong path!

Do you remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood? She was on her way to her grandmother's house and she met a wolf in the woods. The first thing the wolf did was stop her and ask her questions. He asked her where she was going, what she was carrying, and where exactly her grandmother lived. Does that wolf remind you of something that humans often face in their every day life?

If the word temptation rolled into your head just now, then you can probably guess where I'm going with this. Yes, the wolf was Little Red Riding Hood's temptation. All he did was ask her a few not-so-dangerous questions, but stranger danger! You should never trust a stranger with an address. You never know what they might to do with an address that leads to the home of someone you love.

A lot of the time, we soak up negative thoughts like a sponge, and then what happens? When the sponge gets squeezed, those negative thoughts come rushing out. Those negative thoughts get soaked up by someone else, and they continue from person to person to person.

Okay, so it might not work exactly like that, but it's pretty easy to pick up negative thoughts and store them in our brains. And, it's also pretty easy to pop those negative thoughts out like a piece of gum when we find ourselves comparing. Comparing looks, clothing, life's.

Comparison is a nasty thing, but it's there. It's silently inching its way into your life as we speak. It wants you to hate yourself and question yourself. It wants you to look into the mirror and think you're not good enough. Comparison likes to tempt you. It likes to lie to you. In fact, it loves to lie.

Now, I know you don't like comparison because I don't like comparison, which is why we need to get it out of our heads! We need to stop thinking that someone looks better than us. We need to stop being jealous of the fact that our best friends are in a relationship and we're not. We, as a whole, as a human race, have to stop!

You can't let comparison rule your life because what comes with comparison? Temptation. And what comes with comparison? The devil.

So, I want you to get out of your head today. Stop daydreaming about what could be, and thank God for what you have! You have so much to be thankful for, and letting those negative thoughts cloud your mind really isn't going to get you anywhere good.

Get out of your head today, and find reasons to be grateful for what you have, not what you want!


That is going to conclude the first blog of this little series! I hope you got something out of it, and I hope you're ready for the next topic!

I don't think I'm going to have a certain day for posting parts to this series. I'm just going to post them when I feel like it. I will make sure to post on my Instagram when I'm coming out with a new post! And, that's that. I hope you have a great rest of your day! Thanks for reading! ~Ella

(by the book: Quoted A Guide for Teen Girls is currently $28.78 on Amazon, so go get yourself a copy while the price is lower! Click this link to buy it: )


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