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Writer's pictureElla

I wrote a book, and started a podcast?

Hi everyone! I always feel like it's been forever since I actually wrote a 'blog' post. So far this week, you have only seen a piano cover, and I think the blog post about Finding Quiet came out Monday too.

Anyway, you saw the title! Today, I'm going to just answer a couple questions about writing my book, and let you know about the possibility of a podcast!


1. Where did the idea of writing a book come from?

Well, if you love reading as much as I do, then you probably will get the idea to write a book. Seeing so many other books that authors have written, and reading them gave me the idea to write my own book.

I love writing so much, and I even have a lot of short stories I've written as book ideas in the past.

2. What was the inspiration behind your book cover?

If you didn't already know, the 'buy my book' tab on my blog does have a picture of the front and back cover of my book. I chose that cover because it's yellow, and yellow is my favorite color. That's basically the only inspiration behind it!

3. What is Quoted about?

Quoted A Guide For Teen Girls is a devotion book, but not just any devotion book. It is filled with a mixture of short stories, and regular devotions. Some short stories are just fun and adventurous, while some actually have a reason behind them.

Every time someone asks me what my book is about, I always say it is a 'sort of' devotion book because it's not a normal devotion book. The reader can really connect more from reading my devotions.

4. How long did it take you to write Quoted?

It took me precisely about a year and a couple months to write my book.

5. When is Quoted A Guide For Teen Girls coming out?

I really REALLY wish I could answer that question! However, I do not know when my book is coming out. I thought it would be out by now, but I didn't really know how long it would actually take before I could get it published.

I've written before that it is in the publishing process, and what I mean by that is that I have done all that I can do. I'm self-publishing my book through Barnes and Noble Press, and I'm waiting to be approved as a vendor before I can publish my book.

It's very hard to be patient while waiting on someone who might could care less about my book, and more about getting money for selling it, to actually approve me so I can publish it.

I know God has a plan, and His timing is what matters. I said this on God's Girls podcast. It's all in God's timing. I have to wait and be patient. When He is ready for my book to come out, it will be time for my book to come out.

Maybe this is my season of waiting. Waiting to see what God is going to do next. And that requires a lot of patience.

So, yeah. I will be sure to let you know when I can answer that question! It's all in God's timing.

The Quoted Podcast:

So, I started a podcast! Right now, it's only on Anchor, but one day I hope to get it to all podcast platforms.

Listen to my first episode now:

I won't have a specific schedule, but I will update you with new episodes in my blog posts. I will probably try to do at least one episode a week, but I'm not sure yet.

That's everything I have for now! Look forward to an exciting piano cover coming up soon! I'm learning a song that just came out, and it's really good! I'm excited! For now, you can listen to my other piano covers, and don't forget to catch up on blog posts! ~Ella


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