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I read the book, then watched the movie (and here are my thoughts) -part two

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Hey there, and welcome back to my blog! So, I randomly had this idea one night, and I think it's pretty great. I'm going to be listing some movies that I have watched after reading the book and let you know my thoughts. Is the movie better than the book? Or, is the book better than the movie? Let's see!

By the way, I'm also going to do a blog post on book to TV show adaptations, and I'm not sure if I'm posting this or that first but stay tuned!


1. Nancy Drew

I'm starting off with the book series that got me into reading. This is the book series that I will forever want to re-read. I love Nancy Drew books a lot.

So, there are so many different Nancy Drew books out there. There's the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories (which are the original and in my opinion the best 64 Nancy Drew books that exist), the Nancy Drew diaries (which, I haven't read all of yet, but I think they're good, just not great), Nancy Drew files (only read one of these and wasn't the biggest fan), there's the more recent Nancy Drew files books (that are not good whatsoever)...

There are a lot. But, I'm focused on the original 64 right now.

Anyway, there are two Nancy Drew movies.

My favorite one is the one with Emma Roberts. It's called Nancy Drew: Get a Clue. There's also Nancy Drew and The Hidden Staircase with Sophia Lilis playing Nancy Drew. And, to be honest, the second Nancy Drew movie is good, but not that good.

Now, the final question is...are the books better than the movies?

YES. The Nancy Drew books are better than the movies. I love the two movies that are out, but the books are so much better.

(By the way, there's also a Nancy Drew show on CW right now. I will not be including that on the blog post I do for book to TV show adaptations because it's not worth watching. I watched the first episode then looked it up online and was severely disappointed. The Nancy Drew TV show is not worth it at all. Please don't even watch it lol. It's not good.)

2. Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant

Next we have all the Divergent movies.

I think I read these books maybe summer of 2021 or something like that.

I really enjoyed the books! They weren't the best I have ever read, but I enjoyed them!

I definitely remember how the movies were a little different from the books. They changed things up a little bit in some scenes, and especially in the ending.

Should you read the Divergent books? Yes. Should you watch the movies? Yes. Are the books or the movies better? In this case, I think they are equally as good. I liked how the movies were a little different from the books and I couldn't guess everything that was going to happen. And, I don't think I can choose which one is better. I think it's worth giving the books and movies a try! They are both good!!

3. The Hunger Games

For The Hunger Games, I'm going to have to give it to the books. I didn't even finish the last movie. I think it's because a lot of the time when I watch the movie after reading the book, I feel like the movie is so quiet. I have to constantly adjust the TV volume. It's like, some scenes are too quiet and some are too loud. I don't know. The movies are good and all, but I pick the book series for The Hunger Games.

4. Flipped

Then we have Flipped. I think I randomly picked this book up from the book store one day. I honestly don't know how I ended up reading it in the first place, but I remember really enjoying it! And, then I watched the movie. I think this is another case where the book and movie are both good. I don't think I can choose if one is better than the other.

But, if you want a cute, clean romance, I recommend this book! Or the movie!

5. The Host

Next there's The Host! The reason I read this book was because I read the Twilight series, and thought it would be a good idea to read another one of Stephanie Meyers books that I haven't heard a bunch of people talking about. This might have been popular when it came out because there's a movie to it, but when I read it no one was talking about it.

And, I loved this book! I have no idea why. It's so different from what I normally would read I think. It's got an interesting concept in it. But, it's so good! I'm pretty sure I would have given it five stars if I had Goodreads when I read it.

I loved the book so much that I was extremely excited to watch the movie. And, the movie did not disappoint! I loved the movie. So. Much.

But, I'm sorry. I can't choose whether or not the book or movie is better. They are both just amazing. But, if I had to choose the book is better.

And, Saoirse Ronan was the perfect person to play the main character in the movie.

6. The 5th Wave

So, the funny thing about The 5th Wave is, I got the book when I was probably in middle school or fourth grade or something. I remember really wanting to watch the movie when it came out so bad, and I remember starting the book but then thinking I was too young to read it. I think I thought it was going to scare me...I have no idea.

But, summer of 2020, when we were on lockdown, I still had the book which I started and never finished a long time before, so I finally read it. And then I got the last books from the library.

Those books are so big. I remember spending like the whole day finishing the last book.

Either way, the movie and the books did not scare me. In fact, I loved the movie. And the books.

Sadly, there's only one movie. It would be cool if there was one for each book! I honestly can't remember if the movie covered just the first book or all three. I'm pretty sure it covered just the first one.

But, because there are more books than movies, I'd have to say the books are better. I loved the movie though so much!!

7. Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl is actually a book series, but I only read the first book because I knew the movie was coming out and wanted to read the book before watching the movie.

And, the book was good. But, the movie. I didn't really like the movie all that much. So, the book is better than the movie in this case.

8. Stargirl

When I heard that the Stargirl movie was coming out on Netflix a few years ago, I got really excited and got the book.

I loved the book so much. And I loved the movie so much. But, I think I liked the movie more than the book...

Also, I think Hollywood Stargirl might be coming out before this is posted. I'm not sure how I think about it. From the trailer it doesn't look like it's going to be as good as the first one. Just saying...

9. Twilight

Okay, so next we have Twilight. I'm sure you already know what this is! Anyway, I think this is another case where I can't choose. The books were just as good as the movies and vice versa.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about Twilight. I don't know if I like it all that much because I watched this YouTube video that made me see this series differently lol. If you wanna know what I mean watch this video:

10. Chaos Walking

So, for Chaos Walking, I actually watched the movie first. And usually, I don't read the book or series after watching the movie because I like to do it the other way around. But, I guess I wanted to read the series so I went for it.

First off, I definitely watching Chaos Walking because Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley were in it. And Nick Jonas.

And I liked the books. I definitely should have read the books before watching the movie because the movie was a little confusing at first. Everything would have made more sense if I read the books first.

Either way, I think I liked the books better than the movie. I don't know. I just felt attached to the two main characters and I actually really enjoyed the books. But, I will never read another Patrick Ness book, I will say that. I'm not gonna share why.

11. Everything Everything

So, the movie was just like the book. I thought it was really cute and I really enjoyed both the book and the movie! But, I think I liked the book better.

12. Where The Crawdads Sing

Now for the review I've been waiting for...I finally got to watch Where The Crawdads Sing, and I think it might be one of my favorite book to movie adaptations of all time.

While Where The Crawdads Sing is not my favorite book I've ever read, I was really excited to watch the movie! I love getting chances to read books then watch adaptations. It's just so fun, but it can also be disappointing. Sometimes the adaptation can be horrible, and most of the time the book is always better anyway.

But, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie! It captured every aspect of the book, detail by detail. It was done so well. And, I love the song Taylor Swift wrote for it!

I highly highly recommend this movie! And the book! But, on this one I might have liked the movie better...maybe.


And, that is going to conclude this blog post! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I really hope you enjoyed reading it! Go check out some of these books, and then watch the movies!

And, if you need more recommendations, check out my other blog post where I shared books that have been turned into TV shows:

Thanks for reading! More blog posts soon...~Ella


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