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I LOVE READING ~ so here's what I read in September

Writer's picture: EllaElla

hiiiiiiiiii, it's been a minute, and I'm finally back! Today I'm sharing with you every single book I read in September. I'm excited! Here's what I read...


IN September, I read 10 books.

1. Influence: by Sara Shepard and Lilia Buckingham- finished September 3rd

I found this book in Five Below one day, and I had no idea it existed so that was cool. Umm...I already knew it was gonna have some pride rep in it because Lilia is basically gay, but Sara Shepard is the author of Pretty Little Liars, one of my new favorite shows, and I just wanted to. Yeah, just know I don't choose books like this on the day-to-day.

Anyway, it was good! Such an exciting story! Definitely did not expect the ending. Would I recommend it? Yeah!

2. The Lost Sisters (Folk of the Air 1.5-Novella): by Holly Black- finished September 5th

Last month I started the Folk of the Air series (a.k.a. The Cruel Prince trilogy)...and I read this novella this month! It was good to see more from Taryn's POV, but I still don't sympathize with her. Soo...

3. House of Hollow: by Krystal Sutherland- finished September 7th

I got this book 50% off at Barnes and Noble, and I mostly got it because I loved the cover, but also I loved the mysteriousness of the synopsis.

I finally got to read it this month, and I was completely surprised. It was one of those books where you think it's going to be like this, but it's really like something completely different.

It was very interesting. I wouldn't say it's my favorite book ever, but I enjoyed it! It kinda gave me the same vibes as Wilder Girls by Rory Powers. If you know, you know.

4. Shatter Me (book one): by Tahereh Mafi- finished September 10th

I've been sucked into reading this series, and I don't regret it one bit.

I'm currently in the middle of like six different book series right now, and I definitely should not have started this one yet, but I kept hearing a bunch of things about it, and I just had to.

So, I loved the first book! It was really good! And I still have not gotten the second book yet. I'm trying to decide if I want physical copies of the whole series, or if I should just get the rest from the library. I'm very indecisive.

5. Destroy Me (book 1.5-Novella): by Tahereh Mafi- finished September 13th

I found out that the first novella in the Shatter Me series was only available as an ebook, so I got it on my tablet, and read it!

It was really cool to see Warner's POV, and I'm just so ready to get the second book so I can see what happens next. I got my own library card, so I'm probably just going to end up getting the rest of the books from the library. We'll see. I need to continue the series in October I think.

[I'm drowning in my own tbr. Tbh, there are too many books to read. I really want to read the Shadow and Bone + Six of Crows series so I can watch the show, but guess what? I can't because I'm reading too many other things right now. It's okay. (': ]

6. The Unhoneymooners: by Christina Lauren- finished September 16th

Note to self: Stop reading romance books during a school week.

The next book I read was in fact The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. I've been wanting to read a book from Christina and Lauren for a while. I was hoping to start with Love and Other Words, but I still have not gotten that book yet. But, I'm in Nicole Laeno's book club on the Literati app, and she picked this book back in June, so I decided to order it then. And, did I read it in June? No.

Romance books are just hard for me. I always know the basics of what will happen, and I just don't fancy romance books that much. Don't get me wrong, they're cute. I've found a lot of good romance books that I love. But, I feel like every time I start reading a romance book, I spend way longer reading it than I should. And then I get tired of it and ready to get onto other things. That's why I'm a thriller/mystery girl.

I knew just by reading the synopsis that I was gonna love this book, but because it was 400 pages I just put it off. I am glad that I finally read it! I honestly think I should have started it on the weekend though. My choice to start it during a school week wasn't the greatest because then it felt like it took forever to finish it.

(Disclaimer: I haven't written a blog post in a whole month, and I'm feeling chatty, so I think I'm being way too honest here. Let me just add, I know it's okay to spend a week reading a book. BUT, I love seeing how many books I can read each month, and I like to spend two to three days reading a book. When I spend a week reading the same thing, it's too much. Long story short, I'm an ambitious reader, and if you don't read as much as me, that's totally okay. We all read at different paces, and it's okay if you don't read as much as me.)

The Unhoneymooners is a great book!

7. The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles one): by Mary E. Pearson- finished September 19th

Meredith (one of my best friends) and I decided we wanted to start a book club. And, I designed a book club journal specifically for that reason, so we both got a copy of it (you can find it on Amazon along with several other journals I designed here: ).

And, we officially started our book club this month! (We need a name for it still though.)

Anyway, we went to the library after school one day to look for our first book, and we ended up finding this one that's part of a trilogy. (Later I learned that the author of this series wrote another popular series I want to read one day. So, that was cool.)

I really enjoyed the first book of this series! And, I loved getting to fill in everything in my book club journal. That was fun! Next month I plan on reading the second book in this little trilogy!!

8. The Final Gambit (The Inheritance Games #3): by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- finished September 25th

The next book I read in September was The Final Gambit. Now, The Inheritance Games was one of my five star reads of this year, so I have been waiting for the last book in the trilogy to come out. I love the characters in this series, and the plot. I just love TIG.

So, I finished the trilogy this month! It was a bittersweet feeling. But, the third book was really good! And, by the way, I'm team Jameson. Iykyk...

I rated the third book five stars as well! And I got the exclusive edition so I could read the One Hawthorne Night short story. But, I didn't really like the short was strange.

Either way, I highly recommend The Inheritance Games trilogy. Please go read it! And lmk what team you're on.

9. None Shall Sleep: by Ellie Marney- finished September 28th

I could have read this book in one day if I just had enough time.

I loved this book so much. Was it a little disturbing? Yeah. But, did it have an amazing plot with some really good characters? Yes!

I don't know how to explain my feelings for this book. You have to read it to understand. It's like a feeling that I can't explain. Haha..

I gave this book five stars. The whole time I was reading it, I just wanted to finish it. I actually could have read it in one day because it's that good, but I had school and other things to do so it took longer.

Also, there's going to be a sequel to this coming out in 2023! I'm so excited!

This is such a good thriller. And, you should read it. For sure.

10. The Mystery of the Missing Mascot (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #119): by 'Carolyn Keene-' finished September 29th

Because I have a habit of reading pretty big books, I decided to keep a Nancy Drew book in my school backpack during the week. It always depends on what classes I have, and I don't always have a lot of reading time when at school, but it's always important to have a book with you. You never know when you might need one.

So, could I have read this in one day? Yes. But, did I read it while reading another book for obvious reasons? Absolutely. (Apparently this is the blog post where I ask myself questions for no reason.)

This was one of my least favorite Nancy Drew books I've ever read. I just wasn't the most interested in it, and I didn't like the mystery that much. But, it was a good read!


Overall, September was a pretty decent reading month. I tried picking out a tbr this month, which I've never been able to do because I always pick my next book based off of what I feel like reading. But, I decided to be different. I definitely did not read any more than three books off of my tbr stack. It's okay though.

In September, I started the Shatter Me series. I still have not gotten my hands on the second book. I think I'm going to end up reading the rest of the series from the library. I haven't decided yet. I love having physical copies of books, but when you can get them from the library for free, it's kind of better to do that. (And I have a library card now so that's great!)

I think my favorite book from this month was probably either The Final Gambit, None Shall Sleep, or Shatter Me. My top favorite might have been None Shall Sleep...idk.

I'm excited for a new month of reading! In October, I hope to continue The Cruel Prince trilogy, and hopefully read more of the Pretty Little Liars series!

Yeah, I think that's all. Thanks for checking out this blog post! I hope you'll go check out some of the books I read. Come back next month to see what I read in October! ~Ella (;

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