Hey! Welcome back to my blog! If you're new, I post about every book I read each month because (according to the title) I love reading.
So, if you need some good book recs, keep reading, and/or click this link: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/my-blog/categories/everybookireadthismonth
Now, here's what I read in July!!
In July I read 12 books.
1. These Deadly Games by Diana Urban- finished July 2nd
This book is the craziest most brilliant book I've ever read.
I knew even when I wasn't even halfway through reading it that I was going to give it five stars.
So, the first book I ever read by Diana Urban was All Your Twisted Secrets. That book was good, but not even as good as this one.
It's crazy how different both books are.
But, I'm incredibly impressed by this book and I love it and hate it at the same time. I want a sequel so badly, but if there is a sequel, I hope it's not disappointing. I hope there's a sequel that doesn't disappoint me.
So, would I recommend this book? Yes. But, also know that it's extremely crazy and you're probably going to want to finish it in one day.
2. Tweet Cute by Emma Lord- finished July 4th
So, I started off marking this book on my Goodreads to come back to later, then I took a trip and ended up going to a used book store while there. And, I found this book.
I'm in LOVE with this book. It's so cute, and it's clean. It's just so enjoyable! I love the characters, and PepperJack. Like, come on. Don't tell me that's not the best ship name you've ever heard.
This was my first book by Emma Lord, but I now want to read more by her. This is probably one of my favorite romance books I've ever read. I enjoyed every second of it.
3. A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOTAR book 2) by Sarah J. Maas- finished July 8th
So, I have a very ambitious tbr list going right now, and this book series is on that list. If you didn't know, there are like 5 books in this series I believe. And, almost every single one of the books is fat. Like, I'm talking 600 to 800 pages...
I have read books with that many pages before. A.K.A. Keeper of the Lost Cities!
I completely agree with anyone who is scared to read a book over 400 pages. Like, this series is a little scary. I hate spending more than three days on the same book, but one of the Booktubers I watch recommended this series, said she loved it, and then I found out that they are making a show, so I decided, why not?
This was the second book in A Court of Thorns and Roses series. It has about 624 pages, and I admire Sarah J. Maas for even writing it. Like, the first book was good, but this one was sooo much better. I really liked getting to know the characters more. And, at this point I know who I ship Feyre with finally.
The writing in this book is just absolutely outstanding. Yes, there are some parts I didn't not want to read and had to skip over, but the rest of the book just made up for those parts I didn't like.
And, I pretty much binge-read this book on the fourth day. I don't think I've ever read two hundred pages in a day.....but I did when I read this book.
I gave it five stars, and I think you should check out this series.
4. Killer Instinct (The Naturals book two) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- finished July 11th
So far, this book series is really amazing. I love it. Both books have gotten five stars from me. I'm pretty positive this is going to be a five stars series. I freakin' love all of the characters, and the mystery! Like, please go check out this series!!
5. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith- finished July 13th
The reason that I checked this book out from the library was because the movie actually just came out last week on Netflix. Talia Ryder stars as one of the main characters in the movie, and she was also in Olivia Rodrigo's deja vu music video. So, I obviously wanted to check this out.
To be honest, I didn't really like this book. I gave it three stars. And, I would just describe it as boring.
It follows Clare and Aiden who are about to leave for college. They are dating, but want to figure out if they should stay together or break up before college. So, it shows places they go to relive memories from their relationship.
The thing is this book was kinda cute, and I really thought the ending was exactly what it needed to be, but I just didn't enjoy it that much. And, I haven't finished the movie yet, but I'm not the most interested in it thus far.
So, overall I'm not the biggest fan of this book. (:
6. Forge (Seeds of America book two) by Laurie Halse Anderson- finished July 15th
So, as you can tell, this is the second book in the Seeds of America trilogy. I gave the first book five stars back at the beginning of June, and I gave the second book four stars. Only because the beginning was really slow. Like, I understand that this series is about slavery, and it's important to show what it's like to be a soldier, but the first part of this book was just slow for me.
I really liked how it was in Curzon's POV and we got to learn more about him. And, the ending was really good too! This trilogy is definitely different from books that I usually read, and I'm glad I am giving it a chance. I'm interested to see what will happen in the last book!
7. All In (The Naturals book three) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- finished July 17th
Out of all of the books in The Naturals series, this is my least favorite so far. I still have one more plus a novella to read. This book series is just so good!!
8. It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne-finished July 20th
So, I read this book because it kind of reminded me of one of my favorite romance books called Better Than The Movies.
Needless to say, it was completely different than Better Than The Movies, but it was still pretty good. I didn't like a lot of things about this book, but there were several things I did like. And, it was really cute!
9. The Haunted Studio (The Hayley Mysteries #1) by Hayley LeBlanc- finished July 22nd
So, this is Hayley LeBlanc's first book, and for her first book, it was pretty good. But, the only thing I didn't like about this book was how short it was. The plot and the whole mystery was really good, but if there were at least fifty or so more pages it would have really added to everything. I just felt like the whole mystery was solved way too easily, and it wasn't that interesting.
But, I obviously still recommend it!
10. Bad Blood (The Naturals book four) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- finished July 26th
The whole Naturals series is amazing, and I can't believe I'm almost done with the whole series. This was technically the final book in the series, but there is a novella that I have to read still, and the novella is set a few years later, and it looks very good. I'm very excited to read it!
The Naturals is a five star series for me, and you need to read it. That's all I need to write.
11. Pretty Little Liars (book one) by Sara Shepherd- finished July 28th
So, I've been obsessed with the whole Pretty Little Liars universe lately. I'm currently watching the original show, I started the new spinoff show, and I read the first book all in the same week.
Let's focus on the original show, and the first book here.
So far, I kinda like the show better than the book. I still have to read the rest of the book series, but from just the first book, it seemed like a lot of the book characters were immature. I don't know why, but a lot of things they did in the book were just immature, and there was smoking in the book, which totally never happened in the show. In my opinion, the show is more appropriate than the first book lol. Like, there were more curse words in the first book alone compared to the first five seasons of the show.
Those are my thoughts so far, and I'll give more updates as I continue to read the book series!
12. Ashes (Seeds of America book three) by Laurie Halse Anderson- finished July 31st
I finally finished reading the Seeds of America trilogy, and it was good! It was such a beautiful story, and I loved all the characters. Plus, the ending was really awesome!
I'm glad I read this series!
Now, before I finish off this blog post, let's chat for a minute about books.
So, I made a whole list of books I wanted to finish before the summer ended, and now here we are. I have one more week left of summer, and then it's junior year for me!
I have not shared my full summer tbr list yet, so I thought I'd share it here, and wrap it up because July is now over. Technically, I still have one more week to read more books from my list, but it makes sense to wrap up my summer tbr list here for now.

As you can tell from my summer tbr list, I read most of the stand alone books, and only four of the book series I had listed.
It was really fun following along with my book list and going to the library to look for some of these books. I wish I could have read all of these books, but I'm glad that I got to read what I did.
As usual, I always pick out my favorite book from the month, and this time I'm going to count the number of posts I read this summer as well.
In June, I read fifteen books. And, in July, I read twelve. So, in total, I read 27 books this summer! This was a super fun summer of reading!
And, I think my favorite book I read in July was probably Tweet Cute by Emma Lord. My second favorite book was A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas.
That is going to conclude this blog post! I hope you'll go check out some books from this list, and thanks for reading!
By the way, since you took the time to come to this blog post, I wanted to share with you that I have something exciting coming this week!
I actually created something that I'm very excited to share with you!! I promise I will tell you what it is soon! Probably by Wednesday.
Okay, come back later...~Ella