Wow the year is coming to an end fast! It's the first day of October and I am ready to share every book I read this month part three! So, if you haven't already read part one and two, go check them out here:,
So, this month I didn't read as many books because of school, but I enjoyed the books that I did get to read!
1. Twerp- by Mark Goldblatt: finished September 6th
2. The Hunger Games- by Suzanne Collins: finished September 13th
3. Mere Christianity- by C.S. Lewis: finished September 19th
4. Catching Fire- by Suzanne Collins: finished September 29th
Alright, so that was everything I read this month! I am planning on finishing The Hunger Games series, but I have to get the last book from the library still. I also started reading the second book from the book Twerp. It's actually a pretty good book! My favorite book I read this month would probably have to be Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. The reason why The Hunger Games isn't my favorite is mostly because I already kind of knew what would happen in that book, but the second one was a complete mystery. What did you guys read this month? Feel free to comment, contact me, or enter your answer in the chat box on the home page of my blog! I also will be changing the picks of the month which can be found on the home page of my blog, but you have to scroll almost to the bottom if you want to see those! Happy reading! ~Ella