There is this movie on Netflix called All Together Now. This movie is about a girl named Amber Appleton, who is an optimistic, talented teen, but she has to keep it a secret that she lives on a bus. So, at the beginning of the movie, we see that Amber is homeless and she lives with her mom, who is a bus driver, on a bus. Amber has several jobs, so she does have a way of making money, but her and her mom had been evicted from their homes, and they didn't have anywhere else to go.
I just finished watching the movie today, and I did cry a little throughout it because it's kind of sad. I'm going to try not to give anything away, but get to the point I want to make with this blog post.
Amber was homeless, and just wanted to be able to support her mom and herself. In the movie, she is a very hard worker, and tries to be positive about the situation her and her mom are in. Throughout the movie Amber's life gets harder, and you'll have to watch it to figure out what happens, and Amber becomes really sad. She drags through life feeling like there is nothing left for her.
At the beginning of the movie you see how happy she is, even though her life isn't perfect, and as more things seem to go wrong in her life, she becomes sad, but also stubborn. Amber has really good friends that just want to help her, but she won't allow it. She just thinks she can do everything by herself. Now get this, by the end of the movie, we see her friends, and a whole crowd of random strangers supporting and helping Amber.
This reminds me of you and me, and everyone else on this Earth. Life isn't always perfect, and we can go from being super happy, to being super sad, to feeling like life just doesn't have anything left for us. But this movie reminded me that we can trudge on and keep going, and having really amazing friends, and family can really help! But most of all, I realized that Amber is like us, and her friends are an example of Jesus.
We go through every day, and a lot of the time when things go wrong, we put everything on ourselves to fix things, and we think we can do everything by ourselves. But we can't do everything by ourselves, and that is why we need friends, or why we need Jesus. Jesus picks us back up when we think life is over, and He lets us know that everything will be okay because He's got us. He has a plan for us. God has a plan for us.
I know I've been writing about that subject a lot, and we might as well name it the topic of the week. But I thought this movie had such a good example.
Another thing I learned from the movie was the joy and need of friendship. Someone that will pick you up when you're down, and let you know everything will be okay. Amber needed her friends, and at the end of the movie, when I saw so many people that didn't even know Amber, helping her, I felt so happy. That is a great example of kindness there. People helping one another, even if they don't know them personally.
You don't have to just know someone personally to help them. You can help someone you don't know just by being kind.

Picture found on Pinterest;
What I want you to take away from this is: We can't do everything on our own. We will need the help of friends, family, and maybe even strangers. Most importantly, we need to let God help us. And learn to be kind, even to strangers. You never know how someone's life could be impacted by something you did as an act of kindness.
I don't know about you, but sometimes when I have an idea I want to write about, then I try to write it, nothing makes sense. What I just wrote feels like it is all jumbled up and doesn't make sense. So, if you don't understand my point for this blog post, I recommend watching the movie All Together Now, and then hopefully this post will make sense! (; (You can find the movie on Netflix.) ~Ella