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after the hurting comes the healing

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I really hope you enjoyed reading the SOUR series, and I hope you're ready for a new blog series! I am confident that this is going to be a good series, and I know you're going to enjoy reading it. Before we get into the first part of this brand new series, you can check out the whole SOUR series by clicking this link:

Now, this new series is going to be similar to the SOUR series, but all about Riley Clemmons album 'Godsend.' A couple weeks ago I got to hear Riley sing in person at the Citizen of Heaven tour, and I just want to write that she is an amazing singer! My favorite song she has ever written is definitely Godsend, and I just wanted to remind you that this series is completely for encouragement.

Every Thursday I will post a new part to this series that will be themed around one of the songs from Riley's album. I hope through each blog in this series that you will just be encouraged and reminded of the truth that you are so loved and you are here for a purpose. I love this album, and I hope you will go listen to every song after reading each blog from this series. I will add a link and the video for each song in each blog post of this series. Now, let's get into the first part of the Godsend series!!

What Riley wrote about this song (found on Genius:

"I started writing "Healing" two years a lyric for someone I love who was hurting. Two years later, after a year of so much pain and loss for so many, this song has taken on a new meaning. Now felt like the time to release these words and melodies. I hope they meet you in the very moment you're in. I hope they remind you that strength can be found through pain, that what was broken can stand again, and that after the hurting comes the healing. Sending love through this song. There is always hope." 🤍 -Riley Clemmons (via Instagram) Watch this video to find out more about the album:


We are often reminded, "Life is not easy. Life is not easy. Things won't be easy." But, we are also reminded, "We can get through this. You can get through any hardships. Bad things can become good."

Throughout our lives, we are constantly reminded that even though life is not going to be easy, we can get through it. God tells us that He will always bring good out of the bad. Yeah, I know that whatever you're going through doesn't seem easy, but even though things might seem like they're never going to end, they will. That is so because after the hurting comes the healing. After the loss comes the healing. After the pain comes the healing. Out of everything comes healing.

When God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, Jonah had a chance to save many people just by telling them about God. But, when Jonah disobeyed, he made God furious. After all, why would you not want to share the good ol' Word with people who need to hear it, especially if it will save them? I'm right, aren't I?

When Jonah repented by letting himself be thrown into the sea, God gave Him a second chance. He always gives us a second chance. And that is because He loves us.

Jonah healed the people of Nineveh by doing what God called him to do in the first place and shared the gospel. He saved many innocent people from a death that they might not have deserved.

Just like the people of Nineveh, there's a death we might not feel like we deserve, but we definitely do deserve it. What I'm referring to is when Jesus died on the cross. Don't you think we should have died in His place?

I love how out of everything He has done for us, we are constantly reminded that everything is good. He has done so much for us, correct? But, sometimes we doubt Him. Sometimes we don't share His Word. Sometimes we shun Him from our minds and mouths and every day lives, unless, of course, we want to take His name in vain...We act like we don't know Him because we feel like He isn't there anymore. We feel like He has left us on our own. We feel like we are alone.

A couple weeks ago at school, some people in my class were talking a little bit about religion. It was the end of the day, and everyone was waiting for the bell to ring. One kid in my class said, "I believe in God, but only when He's there." (I can't be sure if that's exactly what he said.)

After he said that, I thought, wow, he doesn't know, does he? Is he the only one who doesn't know? Do you even know?

God is always here for us! He never leaves us!! In fact, Deuteronomy 31:8 quotes that truth, "...He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

So, I hope you never think like the kid in my class was thinking. I hope you remember this truth and store it in your heart forever! And along with that truth, remember that after the hurting comes the healing. Always and forever. There will never be a time when the hurting comes, and the healing isn't there.

When you're going through a hard time in your life, remember this blog post. Remember that after the hurting comes the healing. Remember that sometimes you might need to be alert and looking for the healing when it comes. Sometimes we miss things because we aren't paying attention. Pay attention for the healing when it comes. Don't miss it, and don't miss the fact that God will always be with you, and that good will always come no matter what!! (Come back next Thursday to read about hope.) ~Ella

video found on YouTube ofc


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