Hi there! My name is Ella Catherine, and I'm the author of Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls! I have a blog known as The Quoted Blog, but recently I had trouble with storage space and ended up accidentally deleting all my pictures from my blog. So even though all the posts are still up, you can't see any of my pictures and videos.
I could not figure out how to fix that, and then I got to thinking that it might be cool to start a new blog because I would love to dedicate this blog to focusing more on the books I'm writing, and what I'm reading. I just decided it would be cool to start fresh! And I want to use this website to share more about my books. Think of it as both an author page and a blog all in one!
You can still check out The Quoted Blog at this link: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted (But you can no longer listen to my piano covers and original songs, or watch any of the videos I posted on there. It's a bummer, but I'm trying to stay positive and see the good that can come from that.)
Anyway, welcome to Ella Writes! Get excited because as an author and podcast host, I will be sharing all the updates on what I'm working on!! I'll also make sure to link all of my books that you can buy on this website.
That's all for now! Thanks for being here and stay tuned!! ~Ella
Check out my linktree: https://linktr.ee/ellacatherine