(Side note: I wrote this blog post during P.E. one day and never intended to post it, but I just read over it and I actually like it. So, here we are.)
Welcome back to The Quoted Blog! I'm excited because today I have something really important to share with you. Today's blog post is about why kindness really matters. Please keep reading because I have some important things to share!!
Kindness really matters, and here's why...By being kind to someone, you can change their whole day. (What you say to them can change their mindset. People remember how your words make them feel.) You can start your day off as bad as it gets, but one word of kindness from someone changes your thoughts, right?
I was reading a devotional on the Bible app the other day, and the Bible story of the day was written by a man with no limbs. Now, I don't know about you, but out of all the things people can be born with, I never knew someone could be born without arms and legs.
Just think about it for a second...Someone born without limbs. When I thought about how difficult it would be in this situations, I realized that life isn't as easy as it seems for everyone in the world. You might be living a normal life, but you struggle with anxiety. You might be living a normal life, but you lost your brother to cancer.
There are so many things going on around us that we don't realize until we open our eyes to them.
Think about who you are mean to, and who you are disrespectful to each day. Think about how others may feel.
I don't want anyone to get offended by what I'm about to write. Humans are spoiled.
Kindness really matters because you never know what someone may be going through. You never know who could have just lost a family member, or gone through something bad.
This is why I choose kindness. Now, I'm not perfect, and I'm not going to be kind every single second of every single day, but I can be kind. You can be kind.
Kindness could change someone's day, and make someone feel better about themselves.
Totally off topic, but one of the reasons why I don't curse is because of how negative and rude it is. All of those bad words are just...ughh...
I love positivity, and encouragement, and kindness. I'm not perfect once again, but I try my best to follow Jesus' example and be kind to everyone. (And you can do that too.)
To end off this blog post, here's a Bible verse for you all! "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God in Christ forgave you," Ephesians 4:32.
Also, for season three of my podcast, I'm talking all about loving one another. If you want to listen to the most recent episode, (I talk with my best friend Alexa about loving others, and she has some good points to give.) you can!
Listen to the newest episode of The Quoted Podcast: https://anchor.fm/ella-catherine
Follow @thequotedpodcast Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/thequotedpodcast/
Thanks for reading today's blog post! ~Ella