Hey everyone! Today I just want to encourage you!! The world is scary, and scary things do happen, but we can't let the devil take the win. We have to trust in God and remember that He will always be there for us.
So, when something happens in your life that scares you a lot, or makes you uneasy, remember that the devil is trying to discourage you. He is trying to scare you, and make you forget about what really matters. No matter what happens, you must remember who's word is more important.
God's word is more important, and will always be more important.
So, I want you to, if something happens to you that makes you doubtful, scared, or discouraged, think about God. Think about Him. Remember He will always protect you, and you don't have to let the devil scare you.
Let's encourage one another! I'm going to share some Bible verses and quotes I found that I hope can remind you to trust in God through everything!! (The quotes below are from Pinterest, and I will link my board with them in it so you can find them there. I did not write any of these quotes!) My quote board: https://www.pinterest.com/guineapigfuzz/quotes/

Found on Pinterest;
-Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
-"We will never fully understand God's thinking, but that's the beauty of it. There is a beauty in the unknown. A beauty in knowing that God, who is all knowing and endlessly loving, has the answers. A beauty in being able to fully trust in Him."
-"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." -Proverbs 2:5
-"God isn't asking you to figure it out. He's asking you to trust that He already has."
-"The pain that you have been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming." -Romans 8:18
Please just be encouraged today, and go encourage someone you know! Go let someone know how loved they are. There's still a special blog post coming, and I can't wait to share it with you! Anyway, that's all for today. Quick reminder: I have a podcast, and a new episode came out today! I talked with my friend Ella, and she answered some very good questions with good answers. Please go listen to the episode: https://anchor.fm/ella-catherine
Thank you all for reading today's blog post! I hope you were encouraged or want to encourage others. Let's run the race of life together, and go share God's love with those around us. Love you all, thanks for reading! ~Ella