Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I was debating on whether or not to share the Thanksgiving entry from my upcoming book, but then I decided it would be better to just write something new because I don't think I should share that just yet.
I'm sure we all know the meaning of Thanksgiving, but in case you need a little reminder, I'm going to write a short story to remind you the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving. Let's read it!
"Come on Margaret! Let's go! We need to get to Granny's house right now or we'll be late," Mom called upstairs.
Margaret came rushing down not even a second later. "Mom! I'm so sorry I kept you waiting! It's just, Molly wondered if I could spend the night at her house tonight so we could stand outside Best Buy and wait for the new PlayStation to come out. We keep getting emails with really good Black Friday deals!"
Mom sighed, "I'm sorry Margaret, but today is Thanksgiving, and I really just wanted us to spend this time with our family, and be thankful for everything we do have." She scratched her head in thought, and continued, "Besides, don't you already have enough video games already? I don't even think it would be very safe to stand outside the store all night just waiting for a good deal when you already have plenty of video games to play with." Margaret's mom motioned for her to get into the car, and no one said another word.
Why does she always do this? She knows I never get to see Molly, yet she still won't let me skip Thanksgiving for one year. I'm getting tired of seeing our family every year! Margaret thought furiously.
Mom looked over at Margaret in the passenger seat as she drove to Granny's. "What's wrong?" Mom frowned.
Margaret looked at Mom, "I never get to see Molly, and the one time she actually invites me over, you won't let me go over to her house."
"Oh, M. The reason I said 'no' was because I wanted you to spend Thanksgiving with me, and Granny. Your family. Plus, it sounds like all you want to do with Molly is buy things. Thanksgiving is a time to really be thankful for everything you have, and it sounds like you aren't thankful. You said you wanted to skip Thanksgiving, and I don't think you should." Mom turned into Granny's driveway and took the key out of the car. She sat there for a second, then continued talking, "I feel like everyone always wants to skip Thanksgiving, and go right to Christmas. Black Friday is another chance for them to do just that. It sounded like you wanted to go to find some good Black Friday sales that would make you skip Thanksgiving. Do you remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving, Margaret?"
"Yeah. We are supposed to be thankful for everything God has blessed us with, and everyone He has blessed us with. Now that I think of it, Black Friday does just give you an excuse to skip being thankful and go right to wanting more stuff that you don't need. Family is more important than money, right?"
Mom laughed, "You could say that. Family is more important than things."
"Mom, I think I'll tell Molly I can't come over, and I'll make sure to spend time being thankful for the people God has blessed me with. And that includes you!" Margaret gave her Mom a big hug, and smiled to herself. She was so thankful for what her Mom had told her, and she was no longer mad about not getting to go to Molly's house anymore.
There you have it! That is why we celebrate Thanksgiving, and not spend all our times buying new things! I don't think it's a good idea for Black Friday to be right after Thanksgiving because the majority of people in this world probably just spend all their money on things they don't need after the day they are supposed to be thankful for everything they have.
Black Friday is the opposite of Thanksgiving, and I think this year we should all focus on what is really important. That is being thankful for everything God has blessed us with! So, today, focus on what is more important than good deals on things you might not need. Spend time with your family, and thank God for everything! Have a happy thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you! What are some things you are thankful for? Comment below! ~Ella