Yesterday, the new God's Girls episode was about God's plan for you. Check out the episode here if you haven't already: It is such a good episode!
Today, I thought I would write more on this subject because I love this subject!

Have you ever felt bored? The answer to that should be "yes" because I'm sure we have all been bored at some point in our lives. When you're bored, do you ever think about God's plan for your life? He does have a plan for your life.
Last night, I was talking to God before I went to sleep, and I was telling Him about this year. How a lot of people would look back on the year 2020 and say that it was the worst year ever. I was telling God that I didn't think that 2020 was the worst year ever because I knew He had a plan that would be good.
Everything God does is good, and everything He does is for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. But since we are just human, we don't always want to understand the truth that everything God does will be good. Every bad thing will turn into something good because that's God's plan. He knows everything, including what will happen in the future. I could not begin to imagine what would happen tomorrow because I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Yes, I have an idea of what will happen tomorrow, but I don't know what will happen tomorrow.
Sometimes, it's hard for us to see how God will turn a pandemic, or a lost life into something good. But He will turn those things into something good! We just might not see it yet, but maybe one day we will. If God wants us to see it, we will see it.
God has a plan for your life, and you have a purpose. I want you to remember that because it is very important. On God's Girls, Alexa and Aivlinn were talking about how everything in the Bible happened for a reason. That does not just end with the Bible. Everything that happens today, happens for a reason, and that reason is God's will. God's plan. I fully trust God's plan for my life right now, do you?
We won't always be able to say that we fully trust in God because we are only human. But we can choose to trust in Him, and trust His glorious plan for our lives. So, don't ever forget that you have a purpose, and God has a plan for your life. Every bad thing will turn into something good because God is good. We are just human, and we don't know everything, so that is why it's important to be patient with God's plan for our lives. May God bless you today! ~Ella
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