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for the days when you don't feel like God is real

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Hey there, and welcome back to The Quoted Blog! I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're ready for today's blog! Let's just jump into it...

When it comes to faith, it's not always easy. It's not easy when someone asks you why you believe in God even though you can't see Him. It's not easy when you want to prove that God is real, but don't know how to do it. It's not easy when you feel like you're doubting God's existence because what if He isn't real and you're worshiping no one?
I get it. Faith is not easy to have. In fact, it's not easy at all. The definition of faith is: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Some words I think this definition is lacking is: you cannot see. Instead I think the definition of 'faith' should be complete trust or confidence in someone or something you cannot see. After all, isn't faith something you believe in even though you might not be able to see it?
One day I had a friend over and we were eating popsicles with my little brother in my backyard. We were talking about deep subjects I think, and my friend said, "What if God isn't real?" Then my brother replied, "He is." And I was just sitting there, on the concrete, thinking.
It didn't take but a second for me to completely erase the thought of 'God not being real' out of my mind. But, I revisited the thought several days later, and kept revisiting it way after that one day. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment because it was an important one. It might not seem that important, but it is because that day, I could have completely changed my mind about my belief's. I could have elaborated on the subject, and thought on it more.
When my friend asked that question, I made myself forget about it because I did not want to even think about the fact that God isn't real. But, guess what? When I thought about it again later on, I decided that God is real. Wanna know why I thought that?
Well, first off, how could someone so good not be real? I know the idea of an amazing Creator who loves everyone forever and always might sound weird or impossible, but would you rather be evil or good? It's not a hard question.
If you haven't noticed already, the world is pretty messed up. If I had completely forgotten about God and decided that "Oh! I'm an Atheist now because ya know, there's a possibility God isn't real so I'm not going to believe in Him because I don't want to be wrong if I die one day and He isn't real," then where would I be?
I know exactly where I would be! I would be walking around school every day, frowning and feeling like my life is pointless. I would probably cry myself to sleep every night because again, what would be my purpose? Why would I be on the Earth? How would I be on the Earth? What would be the point of being on Earth if I have no purpose? Why would anyone want to live in a world where they just walk around, go to school every day, go home, go on their phones until 3 a.m., go to school again, and one day grow up and sit around and be lazy or have a job and get stuff done every day just to eventually die with no one to remember you; or people to remember you, but they don't know why they remember you?
That sentence was a mouthful right? Do you get the point of it? There was absolutely no point to that sentence because if you lived like that there would be no point to your life.
BUT, GUYS!! LISTEN UP! There's so much more to life than having no purpose and walking around every day like you don't care.
If you're doubting God today, take this to heart. I know you can't seem Him, and I know that that fact might cause you to not want to believe in Him. Or, maybe you know He's real, but it doesn't seem like it sometimes...Remember, you can see God all around you every single day. Just walk outside and look at the sky, the grass, the trees, the birds, the worms, the flowers...The list goes on and on. Look at your house, the food you're eating for dinner. The list goes on and on and on until your mind simply can't fathom anything anymore.
If you're feeling like you've lost your faith, please stop that thought before it grows. Like I wrote at the top of this post, when you have faith, you don't always have to see it. Faith can be believing in something you cannot see. So, doubt is simply the devil placing a seed in your mind to make you think that there's a chance God is not real. (I mean, there is a chance He isn't real, right?) But, the point of having faith is believing in something you can not see, and I know it might feel like I'm pulling you in so many circles with this blog post, and I'm about to frustrate you a lot...I don't know if it's actually possible to explain exactly why you shouldn't doubt God. It's simply just trusting that He is real, even though you can't see Him. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "We walk by faith, not by sight."
Today, walk by faith. Trust that God is real, and even ask Him to show you ways that will help the doubt go away. Don't let the devil twist your mind into thinking that you can't believe in something you haven't seen yet. The reality is that faith is real. An example're bff just told you that she watched a really good movie she thinks you will like. Most of the time, we will believe our best friends because if they saw the movie and think we will like it, why wouldn't we? That's a pretty standard example of having faith in the real world. I mean, I don't know if you needed that example, but there it is.


Oh my goodness gracious me!!! I think I just wrote the longest blog post I have ever written. I'm really sorry if I confused you in any way with this blog post. I tried to give it some structure but somehow it didn't end up very organized.

I feel like this whole blog post is all my thoughts that God simply placed in my head just now. After writing all of that, I feel like that was a jumble and a mess, but I hope you understood it somewhat. I hope I gave you good reasons not to doubt. I don't know, sometimes I write something and it feels like it makes no sense at all, but then someone reads it and it makes total sense.

Okay, so I'm pretty sure I've been writing blog post for two hours, so hasta luego! Come back Tuesday for an original song!! ~Ella


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