I've recently been waking up a little earlier than I have to in the mornings so I have time to read before school. I decided that this year I really wanted to spend more time in the Word with God, and I wanted to start off my day with Him. I've only been doing this a couple days now, and I've really enjoyed it. I've been reading a chapter of Finding Quiet by Jamie Grace in the mornings before school.
This is what the book is about, "We live in a loud, loud world.

Whether it's the criticism of others, the clamor of injustice, or the voice of anxiety from within, we are constantly being bombarded with noise.
So what does it mean to find peace in the midst of all the noise? Is there a way to acknowledge the struggles we face and learn how to manage the stressors and voices that trigger us while believing in the promises and goodness of God?
Jamie Grace has lived in the middle of noise for most of her life. Many know her as a singer with radio hits who has spent the last decade on stages and in front of the camera, but behind the scenes, she has struggled with Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and an anxiety disorder for most of her life. But in the middle of both inner and outer noise, Jamie has learned how to manage the negative effects of her diagnoses, make the most of her strengths, and lean into the journey God has led her on. A journey of Finding Quiet."
Lately, school has been taking up a lot of my time. Yeah, I'm only at school from 7:20 in the morning to 2:30 in the evening's, but it feels like I'm at school for 12 hours or more. I feel like I don't have a lot of time to do things for myself or do things I want to do to spend time with God.
It's so so important to find quiet. Jamie Grace is telling the truth when she says, "We live in a loud, loud world." I feel like the world has overtaken me, and I feel like I don't have time to find quiet.
That's why all the past blog posts from the week have been bullet journal spreads, and piano covers. I feel like it's been a little bit since I've written a real, raw blog post. I feel like I haven't had any time.
Yes, we live in a loud world, but we don't have to spend all our time doing things for the loud world. If you feel like you're piled up with school work, or just work in general, I need you to keep reading and take these words to heart. If you're retired, or simply don't have any work to do, I have a challenge for you.
-If you feel like you're piled up with school work, or just work in general: I want you to take a moment to sit down. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil, and make yourself a to-do list. It can be of things you have to do and want to do, or just simply things you want to add to your list.
When you feel like work is piling up, and you never have a chance to sit down, and do something good for yourself, then you're definitely stressed. I'm stressed sometimes too, and I learned one way to deal with it.
If you're stressed, make yourself a to-do list like I said above, and think about what you need to get done. But, it's important to take time for yourself to, and God. So, time block your to-do list and give yourself breaks to spend in quiet.
After doing those things, you might still feel stressed. If you do, then I want you to pray. Talk to God and TELL Him how you feel. He can comfort you, but you have to trust in Him. This is the moment where you need to have your to-do list, and let God help you the rest of the way. Let Him help you find quiet.
-If you're retired, or simply don't have any work to do: I have a challenge for you. I have a couple challenges and you can choose one to do if you would like. First off, you could spend some time in God's presence. Read His Word. Take some notes. Second of all, you could write a letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile, or you could text someone you haven't heard from in awhile. Encourage them! Let them know you miss them, or you hope they're doing well! Those are your challenges.
Wow! Doesn't it just feel so good to rest in His presence? I'm so thankful for the times when I get to find quiet. It just feels so good. So, how are you going to find quiet this week? How are you going to rest in His presence? You might be overwhelmed, or having a hard time, but I want you to remember that God is here. Also, I'm here! If you ever need some words of encouragement, I'm just a text/email away! Email me at guineapigfuzz@gmail.com. I'm not going to give my phone number! (I promise I will reply quickly! I don't get that many texts/emails, so I will be sure to answer you!)
You've got this. You can do this. I believe in you. So, do everything through Christ who gives you strength! (Philippians 4:13)
Go in peace, and find some quiet! ~Ella