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Don't Miss Out On God's Plan for You

Writer's picture: EllaElla

Today, a friend with the same name as me wrote something really great! Here's what Ella wrote about God's plan for us, taking time for God, and a little more...

“God anoints you, not another version of you,” -Christine Caine.

That is a very powerful quote with a lot of meaning behind it. Have you ever seen someone who is a chameleon? This means that they act one way around one group of people, and differently around another. I think that all of us have been guilty of this at least once in our lives. I know I’m guilty of it. Sometimes you really just want people to like you, but you know in your head that they probably won’t unless you act like something you’re not. You can’t please everyone. If they don’t like you for you, then they are not worth it. I wish I would’ve realized this in the past because I could have spared myself a lot of drama and hurt. If you are a chameleon everyday, then you are truly missing out on the amazing person that God created you to be. You are a masterpiece that God perfectly crafted in his image.

I have lost sight of this in the past by putting God to the side in my everyday life. I put him second instead of first. I would go to school, play sports, go over to my friends houses, and totally ignore reading the Bible, praying, etc. I realized during Covid-19, when I was quarantined in my home, when a lot of the things I loved were taken away from me, just how guilty I was of not taking the time to thank God for all He has done for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says,”'For I know the plans I have for you,’declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” This means that the Lord has a plan for our lives and future. Even though we might not know his plans for us, he still has a purpose for our life. We need to prosper from all that the Lord has done for us, and know that we are his masterpieces. If one door closes, it’s not the end of our world. God has a purpose for closing it. Trust me, He will open another door for you to follow. Taking the time to feel close to the Lord by reading his teachings and talking to him through prayer is a way to find comfort in this fallen world. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Well I don’t have time to do that.” I see where you’re coming from, but a way to fit in time to pray and read your Bible is getting up a bit earlier in the mornings, or every night staying up a bit later. It changes your relationship with the Lord in a very positive way. The Lord is the conductor to the beautiful orchestra that we call life. So go live your life!

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on his wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31


(The bigger text is what my friend Ella wrote if you're getting confused.) I really like what she wrote a lot, and I think we can all benefit from these words today! I love the second to last sentence at the end a lot. The Lord is the conductor to our lives, and He is also the painter, or potter. He created us, and this beautiful world we call our home, but don't forget this won't be our home forever! Thank you Ella for writing this and keep spreading God's word! ~Ella

Find Ella on the Bible app @Ella Sims or @Ella Sims 22! I couldn't add a link.

1 Comment

Hannah Grace Burch
Hannah Grace Burch
Aug 04, 2020

Preach it Ella!!!! Wow wow wow!!! That’s so so good! That Christine Caine quote is my FAVE!!! You did so well girl!


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