We are busy. Every day, we have something to do, or somewhere to go, and most of the time we might not feel like we have enough time for God. In the last blog post, I did a little podcast episode talking all about taking time out of your day to spend with God, but today I would like to go further into that subject. I want to give you some ideas of how you can devote your time to God every day.
1. Make a note to self
I really enjoy reading Live Original's blog, which is Sadie Robertson's blog, and recently I haven't remembered to read the latest blog posts. So, I always make a to-do list in my planner, but often I forget to check everything off the list, and for about the past two days reading Sadie's blog did not get checked off. I don't know about you, but I always feel accomplished when everything on my to-do list for each day has been checked off. When I noticed I had not read Sadie's blog, I just felt a little sad.
To fix the problem of not reading her blog, I went on my notes app and made myself a reminder with an attached link to the blog post I wanted to read the next day. Then I would be sure to remember. So, to get into the habit of devoting time out of your day for God, set a reminder for you to do what you want to do. It could be reading a devotion, or memorizing a Bible verse. Whatever it is that will help you spend some time with God, make a reminder for yourself to do just that. Make sure when that reminder pops up on your phone, or wherever you have it, that you drop everything else and look at God's Word. Dive into God's Word!
2. Read God's Word in the morning or evening
If you're like me, and you have school on the weekdays, it probably feels like you have less time to do a lot of things. For example, I sometimes don't get to writing more of my book on weekdays because I'm just so busy. Especially on days I have school, I really don't feel like I will have any time to read God's Word and spend time with Him. So, if you don't have time during the day, do it before school in the morning, or right before you go to bed. Yeah, I know that you would probably be up pretty early, but isn't it just great to start off your day with God's Word?!
3. When Taking a Break, Talk to God
It's as simple as a prayer. Maybe you have so many prayer requests, but don't have time to pray. Then, during class, say a quick prayer in your head to God. Maybe you could let Him know you'll talk to Him more later. I feel most connected with God when I'm outside because His creation is all around me. So, maybe when you get home from school, you could walk outside, lay in the grass or on the concrete, and look up at the sky. I love laying out on my trampoline and just talking to God while I admire the beautiful sky. Whenever you have a break, pray.
Those were all my points for connecting with God, and just devoting your time to Him. We are busy people, but it is possible to still take time for Jesus. I talk more on this subject on God's Girls podcast if you would like to hear more.
You can click this link to go to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/godsgirls/episodes/Take-Time-For-Jesus
"But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray." -Luke 5:15-16
Even Jesus took time out of his day to talk to his father. If Jesus did it even with all the people He was preaching to, you can too! ~Ella