Hey there and welcome back to my blog! As you know, I love music, and several several weeks ago I recorded this piano cover. It's definitely not my favorite I've done...something about the fact that I'm super insecure about my voice, but I like playing piano so I want to share it anyway...? Anyway, this is If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe with Julia Michaels.
I love this song, and I hope you like my cover!!
video made with Filmforth; photo from Pinterest; edited on canva.com
So, if you liked this cover and want to hear more I've done, you can click this link to hear more: https://miribrooks1.wixsite.com/quoted/my-blog/categories/piano-covers (I've done 65 piano covers on my blog...lol)
Yeah, thanks for listening! Come back in a few days for another chapter of my ongoing short story! ~Ella