Hi everybody! Welcome to the most special blog post of the year! Yep, you read the title right. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! What's crazy is that I'm turning fifteen today!
Since this is a special blog post and all, I thought we should have an encouraging Bible verse to read before I begin everything birthday-related. I don't know why, but encouraging Bible verses always make everything better! (;

Now that you've read the Bible verse, we can begin!
Birthday's are important because they are the day to celebrate those who have been born. I think birthday's are more important than Halloween, and Valentine's Day. There are a lot of holidays that I think birthday's are more important than.
I love wishing people "happy birthday," and letting them know how loved they are. You're life is so important, and I will not let you celebrate your birthday without reminding you that.
Since birthday's are so special, I often like to do something extra special for my friend's birthday's. Now, if you're reading this and you've never gotten a birthday present from me, it's probably because I don't know when your birthday is. Yeah, so if you want a birthday present from me on your birthday, let me know when it is! (:
Last year, I filled up a whole journal with encouraging messages, and notes from other friends for my friend Hannah Grace's birthday. I also tend to fill up jars with encouraging messages a lot for birthday presents as well. (By the way, if you're reading this Alexa, get excited for your birthday this year. Just saying...)
Anyways, I love making really special presents for people's special days. I thought about asking a bunch of my friends to write me birthday letters for a blog post, but then I thought it would be weird to do that because then I would have to read them before my birthday to make it into a blog post...so...
So, that's enough about my birthday...now I want to share with you this week's piano cover. I played an instrumental version of Wondering by Julia Lester and Olivia Rodrigo.
Video made with Kinemaster; cover image from Pinterest m.youtube.com
That's all I have for today's blog post. Thank you so much for reading and listening! I love Wondering, and enjoy playing it on the piano a lot! And, I will be fifteen in a couple hours lol. Okay, bye! ~Ella
Happy birthday!